In recent days, we checked on a few park projects around West Seattle, but didn’t get a chance to report the results immediately. Before these quick updates gather dust in our notebook/inbox any longer, here they are, in one roundup:

LOWMAN BEACH SWING SET: 11 days after we reported that the old one had been removed so it could be replaced with one that’s “up to code,” the framework for the new one is in, as well as the cement “curbing” around it (a larger footprint than the small sandpit below the old one). As some had speculated in comments on our first report, it’s shorter than its predecessor. Now, northward and eastward to Delridge:

DELRIDGE SKATEPARK: We called project manager Kelly Davidson to check on this while working on a story about the skate-feature funding that’s in the Parks Levy (haven’t finished that research yet, btw). She says the most noteworthy development for Delridge Skatepark (which is NOT in the levy, but instead would come from the regular Parks budget) is that park neighbors are applying for a city matching-funds grant in hopes of proposing an art project for the future skatepark at the site shown above (northeast of Delridge Community Center). She’s also still hoping to schedule the second community meeting on the skatepark (here’s our coverage of the first one, back in July) before the year’s out, probably in November. The size of the skatepark remains undetermined till next year’s Parks Department budget is finalized, but Davidson says “basic setup work” to move toward a schematic design continues.
Now, last but not least, the park that may emerge from the street end that many people don’t know is a street end:

BRONSON WAY STREET END: In July, we reported on SDOT’s Patti Quirk telling the Alki Community Council about plans for a small park at the Bronson Way street end, the city property immediately east of Salty’s parking lot (and used for some overflow). We drive by that site almost daily and hadn’t seen evidence of anything (the sign in the photo above has been there a long time) so we e-mailed her to check on its status. Quirk says this hasn’t moved as fast as she had hoped because she’s been focused on the Shoreline Street End Master Plan; earlier this month, she did walk “the (Bronson Way) site with my designer and he is supposed to submit a plan to me by the end of the month to “reclaim” the 30 feet closest to the water. You may recall the first step was to put something in place on the first 30 feet and sign the site next to the side walk that a park in coming. This first step has to be low budget (under $6000) to be eligible for a shoreline exemption permit. One of the things I looked at with the designer was using SDOT recycled material on the site such as brick and granite curbing.” Quirk says she plans to work on the Bronson Way street end “full steam ahead” next month.