YOUR HELPING HANDS NEEDED: 10 am Saturday (11/1), you can pitch in to help JuNO make The Junction a cleaner place — the group’s periodic Adopt-A-Street Cleanup time is here. Meet in front of 4527 41st SW (map) to, as JuNO president Erica Karlovits puts it, “pick up supplies, find a partner, and start cleaning up our hood.” Usually some free treats, too. (JuNO’s next meeting is coming up 11/11, 6:30 pm.)
Now to some folks whose handiwork helps fight hunger:
(Left to right, Providence Mount St. Vincent residents Sandy Rose, Chuck Dambrosio, Lynn Cappiello, Dorothy Smith)
That photo is courtesy Cynthia Flash of Flash Media Services, who tells the tale:
Earlier this month, Providence Mount St. Vincent resident Chuck Dambrosio decided he wanted to do something to help others. So he proposed that he and some of the other residents on his floor at the West Seattle long-term care facility make sandwiches for the homeless. The residents voted on it and agreed! Providence Mount St. Vincent’s dietary department provided the supplies and eight residents participated with lots of love and laughter. They were proud of the fact that they could make 32 sandwiches in just one hour. Activities director Eileen McCloskey took the 32 sandwiches to the Union Gospel Mission on 2nd Avenue in downtown Seattle and was greeted by very gracious and appreciative volunteers who seemed moved by the fact that the seniors at the Mount were thinking of them. The seniors had so much fun they plan to make sandwiches for the homeless every month.