West Seattle delegation gives Mexican village a reason to smile

September 23, 2008 11:56 pm
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That’s Tessa Code distributing toothbrushes and hygiene information in Mexico as part of a Fauntleroy Church trip this summer. While talking with Judy Pickens about the church’s ongoing centennial celebration — which includes tonight’s 7 pm showing of the documentary “The Fauntleroy Story: 100 Years of Community” (previewed here; you’re invited; showing’s in the Fellowship Hall; DVDs will be available) — she mentioned this trip, and we said we’d love to share the story with you:

By Judy Pickens

Residents of a small mountain village outside of Oaxaca, Mexico (map), are now brushing regularly, thanks to a West Seattle residents willing to give a hand thousands of miles from home.

For the third summer, a delegation from Fauntleroy Church, United Church of Christ, traveled to the village of San Jose Contreras to help replace an earthquake-damaged church and upgrade the water system. Those who made the trip in 2007 observed that, although dental specialists periodically visited the village, residents had few hygiene resources of their own.

In anticipation of this year’s trip, church members approached dentist Patrick Hogan (West Seattle Dental Center) about buying enough toothbrushes at cost to equip all the adults and children in San Jose. “Yes!” came the response, with the bonus of dozens more children’s brushes donated by the practice.

Chief Sealth senior Tessa Code took the lead in planning how to distribute the brushes and provide hygiene training. By word of mouth (no pun intended!), she was able to acquire and copy Spanish-language diagrams of proper brushing technique.

When the day came in August to distribute the brushes, more than 75 children encircled the village center and each chose a toothbrush and received the technique handout. Tessa and other church youth then pantomimed brushing steps as a translator read them in Spanish.

Each of the 200+ residents of San Jose got a toothbrush, and the Fauntleroy group left several dozen more as replacements. They also left a laminated display of brushing techniques to refresh the training.
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