Semi-wildlife sighting: Goats on the loose!


We posted this first at partner site White Center Now, since it’s in the unincorporated area, but the photo’s too good not to share here too. We got it along with this report from Phoebe:

There were goats running around loose near SW 106th Street and 28th Ave SW this AM! (map) I saw them darting out into traffic and then ducking into this yard for a snack! I parked my car and tried to find where they had escaped from, without any luck. Eventually I called animal control, who told me the goats are technically in King Co (Seattle city limits end at SW 106th & 32nd Ave SW) and that she would “see what she could do.” I drove by again at 10:00 and I didn’t see them in the area … I hope they made it home safe & sound!

3 Replies to "Semi-wildlife sighting: Goats on the loose!"

  • mellaw6565 September 4, 2008 (1:13 pm)

    I hope they weren’t someone’s dinner! There are a lot of Halal stores in the area.

  • changingtimes September 4, 2008 (2:22 pm)

    that a horrible thing to say!!! i would have captured them….you know you can rent them out for 200 dollars a day to eat someones lawn…plus how fun would that be to put up Found Goat signs!

  • *t* September 4, 2008 (4:38 pm)

    Mmmm… a nice curry, or nyama choma. With a cold beer.

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