Where did it go? Let us know as soon as you figure that out. (Monday’s the last day for West Seattle’s 7-day wading pools, by the way, so in their honor we’re illustrating this with the photo above, from Delridge on the first Sunday it opened after a neighborhood campaign to change the schedule.) Meanwhile, if you’re not going away for the holiday weekend, here are your West Seattle options — 31 events and activities listed ahead (including Monday holiday schedule-changes):
ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater
ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm
SWIMMING THIS WEEKEND: Southwest Pool is closed all summer for renovations, but Colman Pool is open daily through Monday 9/1 (then one last “postseason weekend” 9/6-9/7) – schedule here
WADING POOLS OPEN FRIDAY: Delridge, Hiawatha, Lincoln Park
FRIDAY & SATURDAY: “5×5” art exhibit @ ArtsWest, noon-7 pm both days
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at C and P Coffee with Kris Orlowski, 6-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Music Nights at Cafe Rozella: Eduardo Mendonca, 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Art opening, photos by Michelle Smith-Lewis at Full Tilt
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark with Safer and Bomberman Awesome, starts at 10 pm
WADING POOLS OPEN SATURDAY: Three in West Seattle are open Saturdays – Delridge, Hiawatha, Lincoln Park
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: Tours at Alki Lighthouse, 1-4 pm
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: Admiral District Art Sale: Landscapes & Children’s Book Art by Craig Orback, including new landscapes (many Northwest and West Seattle scenes), average prices $100-$300 for an original oil-painting landscape. 1-5 pm Saturday, 9 am-1 pm Sunday, 1912 41st SW, find out more online
SATURDAY MORNING: Fundraising bake sale for PAWSwalk, north parking lot at Westcrest Off-Leash Area, 9:30 am-noon (more info at the Westcrest OLA Yahoo! group site; also, if you can’t make it to the sale but want to support the Westcresters in the PAWSwalk, here’s the link)
SATURDAY MORNING: Delridge Natural Area work party, meet at Delridge and Graham, 9:30 am-1:30 pm
SATURDAY MIDDAY: Master Gardener clinics at McLendon’s in White Center, 10 am-2 pm Saturdays (more info here
SATURDAY MORNING: Friends of Schmitz Preserve work party, 9 am-noon
SATURDAY: Free shuttle to the Cougars’ game @ Qwest Field, from Redline Music and Sports
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Hiawatha Playfield Tree Walk (ages 3 and up), 1 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: Live music @ C & P Coffee with Rupert Wates, 3-5 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: The Mosaic Brass Quintet @ Kenyon Hall, 8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark with Valu-Pak, The Resets, Fat Dog Heavy, starts at 9 pm
WADING POOLS OPEN SUNDAY: Three in West Seattle: Hiawatha and Lincoln Park and Delridge
SUNDAY MIDDAY: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm
SUNDAY MORNING: Open bowling at West Seattle Bowl (WSB sponsor) for the LGBTQ community and friends, every Sunday beginning at 10:30 am
SUNDAY MIDDAY: Master Gardener clinics at West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am-2 pm Sundays (more info here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Walker Rock Garden expected to be open, noon- 5 pm (we suggest calling before you go, 935-3036; see pix here!)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Live music at C & P Coffee with Rupert Wates, 3-5 pm
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music @ Skylark with The Dawn’s First Breath, Into the Atlantic, Broken Vinyl, starts at 7 pm
MONDAY: Last weekday for Colman Pool (which then will be open for one post-season weekend, Sept. 6-7)
MONDAY: Last day for wading pools
MONDAY: Holiday schedule changes and closures for public services are detailed here
Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.
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