Pedestrian problem: Filched flags


The bit of yellow you see at the left side of that photo is from the lone flag that remains out of the two baskets of pedestrian flags delivered to California/Dawson (by Rite-Aid) a month and a half ago. Days after the delivery, the flag baskets at Avalon/Yancy (one of two other West Seattle ped-flag spots) were already empty, but quickly replenished, as reported here; we advised Kim, who e-mailed us about California/Dawson, to call the SDOT hotline at 206-684-ROAD in hopes they can fix the situation fast.

3 Replies to "Pedestrian problem: Filched flags"

  • Katie McA August 7, 2008 (8:32 am)

    It’s such a shame that someone decided to snag these, but I wouldn’t leave anything out in the open that I wasn’t prepared to have stolen. The second I saw the first story on the flags being put out I thought to myself that they MIGHT last a week…

  • old timer August 7, 2008 (11:44 am)

    From traffic flags, to P-Patch produce, to children’s life vests, the scavengers and petty thieves never rest.
    Can we honestly expect less from mere riffraff citizenry when liars, thieves, and frauds occupy the highest posts and offices in the nation?
    Pick almost any institution: financial, governmental, or general business, and you will find a lying, thieving, parasitic maggot in charge.
    We can’t find enough money or places to jail the scoundrels we do choose to prosecute.
    Given the current status,
    What results do we honestly expect?

  • WSB August 7, 2008 (12:03 pm)

    Well, I know where you’re coming from, but on the other hand, I like to believe people are inherently good, not inherently bad. Doesn’t mean we don’t keep a sharp eye on what goes on so we can expose and address the badness when it erupts … but regarding “what results do we honestly expect?” I do expect, eventually, the goodness will triumph. And to this specific issue … still wondering, as somebody asked in a separate comment thread, what in the world would somebody want with a neon-yellow flag, anyway???? – TR

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