We apologize for the outage

computer.jpgIf you had trouble getting into WSB over the past hour or so, please accept our apologies. Our server and its backups all crashed. We have some technical upgrades in the works in the not-too-distant future that should improve reliability. Meantime, when this kind of thing happens, we send out notes and news via Twitter – so if you’re not on Twitter yet, you might consider getting an account (doesn’t mean you have to use it much) — twitter.com, sign up to “follow” westseattleblog. (This won’t help during those occasional site outages but FYI, our Twitter updates also appear in the aqua box halfway down the sidebar; sometimes you’ll see notes, observations, updates there that aren’t worth official posts/articles but briefly notable anyway.)

2 Replies to "We apologize for the outage"

  • Bob Loblaw July 18, 2008 (12:52 pm)

    Wonder if it had anything to do with you being in the top 3 returns for Starbucks closure list, which is currently No. 1 on Google Trends. Was there a big spike today? (Not prying. Just asking)

  • WSB July 18, 2008 (3:28 pm)

    I actually mentioned that while Twittering during the frustrating hour of outageness … although at the time we were “only” in the top 5 on Google … and yes, there were some extra folks coming in for that. Right now we’re down to #7 … funny, higher ranking than the actual list from starbucks.com!!! Definitely not enough to crash the servers. It was an outage of our “cluster” at the hosting company. (“Cluster” is right …)

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