That short video peek inside Brockey Center at South Seattle Community College might present a scene resembling the average multi-participant event … tables, booths, etc. … but today’s West Seattle Chamber of Commerce Business Expo presented more than your usual options, offering West Seattle businesses and other groups a chance to put their best foot forward (in more ways than one, as you’ll see just ahead):

The Sustainable West Seattle table, manned in this photo by Chas Redmond, is where the “putting your best forward” came in — as we mentioned last night, Redmond had just picked up the new West Seattle Walking Trails maps from the printer, and this happened to be the first event with a chance to distribute them. (Lots of other distribution spots are planned – we’ll keep you posted.)
After talking about walking, expo-goers who worked up an appetite had many tasty samples to choose from at the Business Expo, including the jerk chicken cooked up by the SSCC culinary-arts program reps shown in this clip:
Even some Expo entertainment – here’s a snippet of sound from West Seattle guitarist Lonnie Mardis:
And the action wasn’t all indoors; West Seattle Nursery offered container-gardening demos:

This was the third year for the Chamber’s Business Expo, which it describes as “the one and only West Seattle business trade show.”