day : 18/05/2008 6 results

Sustainable West Seattle to explore Triangle development

May 18, 2008 10:37 pm
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 |   Development | Environment | Neighborhoods | Triangle


That’s an aerial view of the Fauntleroy Triangle, centering on Fauntleroy/Alaska, as shared by Harbor Properties during the Design Review Board meeting for two Junction projects — including theirs at 38th/Alaska — last month (WSB coverage here). Tomorrow night, a representative from HP will be among the participants as Sustainable West Seattle‘s monthly meeting focuses on “sustainable development” possibilities in the area. Here’s how SWS president Bill Reiswig describes what’s planned for the meeting:

Marshal Foster, local West Seattle citizen and urban planner, will share some models of sustainable development and describe the opportunity at Fountleroy/Alaska. Following this we will have a panel discussion that includes: Sean Sykes, Sustainability Officer, Harbor Properties; Jim Burton and Justin Fogle, NW Ecobuilding Guild; Derek Birnie, Executive Director, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, and Dave Montoure, president of the West Seattle Junction Association and proprietor of West 5. Topics addressed will include: What is your vision of positive uses of this space for West Seattle? What are the challenges to realizing a sustainable vision? What are the key benefits for the neighborhood and city? What are the most sustainable elements that we should advocate for?

Sustainable West Seattle – the group behind the hugely successful SWS Festival in The Junction two weeks ago – meets tomorrow night at Camp Long, potluck snacks and beverages at 7 pm followed by the meeting at 7:30. (To review what’s currently planned, and up for sale, in the Triangle/Junction area, check our clickable map.)

Playtime at Ercolini Park’s new playground


Thanks to Eric for the tip that the Ercolini Park playground — built with work parties like this one we covered last month — was open for business today. Not sure if this was just a “soft launch” or what; we’ll be checking with project leaders. (Ercolini is just west of The Junction, at Alaska/48th.) 10:20 PM UPDATE: David Cagen from Friends of Ercolini Park clarifies, “Someone opened up the fencing on Friday and people filtered through all weekend. Nothing was official nor sanctioned, but people had a good time!”

West Seattle Sunday scenes: Lupus walk; leukemia spin

At Anchor (Luna) Park on Alki Avenue, that video shows the scene as an enthusiastic woman (who told us she does this every year) and two kids greeted Walk with Us to Cure Lupus participants at the first turnaround point (for a shorter loop than the 5K walkers). While hundreds of people joined in that awareness- and money-raising event this morning, a trio of triathloners spent the afternoon under a tent in The Junction to fight leukemia and lymphoma — more on both events ahead:Read More

Charlestown Cafe progress: Permit officially issued

chaztowncafe.jpgTwo weeks after Charlestown Cafe co-owner Larry Mellum told us the restaurant finally had the green light for the work needed to recover from the Feb. 4 fire that closed it — the city website reveals a permit was officially granted Friday. We’re checking for an update on the timetable for reopening. (You can see all our archived Charlestown coverage here.)

Tropical night at Highland Park Elementary

With temperatures still in the 80s as Saturday night began, Highland Park Elementary truly had a tropical-island atmosphere for its luau last night. (Above, video of a young dancer who was one of many entertainers, getting a little help from a young assistant; shortly afterward, other kids were invited up on stage to get a chance to sway to the island music.) A little education sneaked in with the entertainment and luau food — with info about recycling on display at the back of the cafeteria. We hadn’t been inside Highland Park Elementary before – it’s a beautiful school inside and out (see photo below), built in 1999 (background here) to replace a 1921 building, at 10th and Trenton.


Happening today: Walk, plant, spin, biz, prep, shop

“WALK WITH US TO CURE LUPUS”: Hundreds of people will walk a 5K route on Alki this morning to raise money to fight lupus. Registration starts @ 9, the walk @ 10. Teams are walking as well as individuals; check out the team list here.

PLANT SALE FOR FURRY FACES FOUNDATION: Second day of this animal-rescue group’s big annual two-day sale – we dropped by for this photo on day one:


The sale’s 10 am-4 pm at 3809 46th SW (map).

SPINNING TO FIGHT LEUKEMIA: West Seattleites Kerry Murphy and Megan Jasper will be spinning — riding bicycle-training equipment — 11:30 am-4:30 pm today in front of West 5, raising $ for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and getting ready for one of its Team in Training triathlons next month. (Kerry’s raising $ online here; Megan’s raising $ online here.)

ENTREPRENEURS: Want to help young people strategize small for-profit businesses in Alki this summer? Come to a meeting @ the Homestead (61st south of Alki Ave) at 11:30 today. (Previous coverage here.)

BE A “MASTER OF DISASTER”: The neighborhood-readiness campaign around West Seattle continues today with an event for Fairmount-area residents, noon-2 pm on the southeast side of the Providence Mount St. Vincent parking lot. (Previous coverage, including a map, here.)

SHOPPING AT THE FARMERS’ MARKET? We always post the weekly fresh sheet, so here’s today’s edition:Read More