day : 04/05/2008 10 results

Fire alarm call @ closed Fairmount Park Elementary

May 4, 2008 10:54 pm
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Several fire units responded within the hour to the closed Fairmount Park Elementary building – the 911 log just cleared the call and describes it as an “automatic fire alarm” call. A neighbor reports, “15 minutes of watching two trucks full of firefighters try to carefully remove door hinges. Then the school district key holder shows up and they open the door the old-fashioned way. Only smell of anything was the diesel from the fire trucks.” (FP closed after last school year; the district is holding it as “inventory” for possible future use rather than putting it up for sale.)

News from 2 West Seattle pet-care providers

First, the latest e-mail newsletter from Lady Di, Pet Chaperone discusses the move to her new location in The Junction (the old one in Admiral is making way for development):

Moving date has arrived for the Lady Di business. On June 1st we will be open in our new facility at 4433 42nd Ave SW (right in the heart of the West Seattle Junction). We are located behind the Eagles. From California Avenue; entry is through the alley off Genesee St. or Oregon St. The Lady Di Pet Chaperone sign will be posted on the fence.

The new facility is smaller and still offers that “at home” feeling. A cozy fire on cold fall and winter days will keep all the “pups” and us warm. Any donations of wood or furniture will be greatly appreciated. Because the new facility is smaller we will have to limit the number of dogs. The weight limit will be reduced to 50 pounds and only a few of our larger dogs will be able to make the move with us. We are all sorry about this change and hope those few will find another facility for daycare. …

We hope this move will go smoothly and that you will all enjoy bringing your dogs to our new “home-away-from-home.”

We also heard this weekend from Shane at Stella Ruffington‘s in Morgan Junction:

The Seattle Dog Daycare Association (SDDA) is holding a food drive from May 1 through May 15, to benefit local shelters and rescues in the greater Seattle area. Food and/or cash donations are being accepted at Stella Ruffington’s Doggy Playcare during regular business hours.

The Seattle Dog Daycare Association is a networking group of professional dog daycares in the Greater Seattle area.

1st post-festival report: A “Sustainable” success


We’re just back from the first-ever Sustainable West Seattle Festival in The Junction, and by all accounts, and our observations, it was a smash hit. SWS president Bill Reiswig said in closing remarks less than an hour ago that what he found really “moving” was all the interaction going on, between exhibitors and participants and festivalgoers — a fulfillment of the “building community, creating connections” mission you may have seen on the posters for the SWSF.


That’s what we experienced too; we had a great time not only spreading the word about West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, but also meeting so many people who are out there in WSB-land, including some folks we’ve “known” via e-mail for many months but never before met in person … thank you all SO much for stopping by to say hi. We’ll have a full wrapup later tonight with more festival pix and video. Congratulations to Sustainable West Seattle, which made a daring move by putting on a major event like this after less than a year in existence … and succeeded big-time.

Sustainable West Seattle Festival update: 2-wheeled fun


(Our previous reports on the festival, under way in The Junction till 3 pm, are here and here.)
Just steps away from the Sustainable West Seattle Festival table that’s become temporary WSB HQ for the day, you can see the Westenders Scooter Club with those bright bikes. And though it’s not technically on the festival site, across the street by the northeast entrance to the Farmers’ Market, we spotted the “human-powered smoothie” maker:


The festival continues till 3 all around the Wells Fargo lot on the northeast corner of 44th/Alaska; we’re here mostly on behalf of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (just another form of recycling) — lots of folks have dropped by to say hi (thanks!). We’re just west of the “Main Stage,” where a variety of speakers have appeared throughout the day – later we’ll upload video from the speech by Jim Diers, former city Department of Neighborhoods leader, whose booming call for “NEIGHBOR POWER!” could be heard for blocks away!

Also happening now: Be a Master of Disaster, Admiral edition

May 4, 2008 1:04 pm
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Yesterday Sunrise/Olympic Heights, today – Admiral! Backstory: Continuing through late May, we’re helping local neighborhood leaders get you information that will help you keep your family safe in case of disaster. One big part of this spring’s campaign in West Seattle is the designation of neighborhood gathering spots so that everyone knows where they can go post-disaster to get information and help. This is being done on a very grass-roots level, and not all areas of West Seattle are set up yet, but those that are (marked with clickable icons on the map you see above) have been having drop-in events where neighbors can come by, meet the folks working on this, and get important info on simple steps they can take to be prepared. The next such event is happening right now at Hiawatha Park (click the spot on the map in the Admiral District). If that’s the spot closest to you, take a few minutes and stop by, sometime before 5 pm.

2nd report: Sustainable West Seattle Festival begins

Those are Duwamish Tribe members singing a song of welcome to open the first-ever Sustainable West Seattle Festival, continuing till 3 pm in The Junction (Wells Fargo lot and surroundings, across from the Farmers’ Market). Other scenes from the first hour:


That’s the Polar Bear getting ready for its closeup. Next, the popular “Undriver Licensing” booth:


Next, evidence many festivalgoers already were “undriving”:


Here’s an overview of the area north of Wells Fargo. There are also booths in and around the south and east sides, including the drive-thru (our table is next to the main stage just outside the north end of the drive-thru).


Something for gardeners too:


If you haven’t been yet, drop by the WSB table, say hi, and pick up a West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (next Saturday — call it P2P recycling!) reminder. And remember the transportation/transit discussions happening inside ArtsWest, too.

Got someone college-bound? West Seattle author has advice

May 4, 2008 9:10 am
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Potentially of interest if there’s a high-school senior in your house — or anybody else heading for college (hey, my mom went at 40!): In today’s Washington Post, West Seattle author Anne Crossman co-authors an article debunking 5 myths that the college-bound might fear are truths. Read it here. She also co-authored the recently published book “Getting the Best Out of College.”

1st Sustainable West Seattle Festival report: Set-up time

May 4, 2008 8:36 am
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It takes a village to put on a festival, and a small one is going up right now on the Wells Fargo lot @ NE corner of 44th/Alaska, where the first-ever Sustainable West Seattle Festival starts in less than an hour and a half. As mentioned in our previous post, at least one of us will be stationed at all times at a table there for the 10 am-3 pm duration, mostly to continue getting the word out about West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (next Saturday! stay, sunshine, stay!) — we’ve printed out small reminder slips you can put up on the fridge or wherever — but also to talk about community newsgathering and blogging with anyone who’s interested. Here’s the full festival program; here’s a quicker-to-read version of the schedule; we’ll cover various events through the day for in-progress and post-festival updates, too.

Events in The Junction today: SWS Festival, Market, CKS’ 10th

First, a quick sponsor note that’s also a shoutout to a small-business success story: As advertised in our sidebar, Curious Kidstuff in The Junction is celebrating its 10th anniversary today with a one-day, 25% off sale. Happy anniversary! Now, the two other events, swslogo.jpgjust a couple blocks from CKS: After less than a year of existence, Sustainable West Seattle is throwing a party for the whole community — the first-ever Sustainable WS Festival, 10 am-3 pm today, at two locations in The Junction: The Wells Fargo parking lot at the NE corner of 44th/Alaska, and ArtsWest, where a Transit/Transportation Forum has two sessions, 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. (Actually, three festival locations – bus tours to High Point leave at 11 am and 12:30 pm.) There’s a huge slate of workshops, speakers, and events; see it here. We’ll be reporting from a table at the festival all day (and promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day). Don’t forget to bring donations for the West Seattle Food Bank! Speaking of food, this all unfolds right by the weekly West Seattle Farmers’ Market, 10 am-2 pm; plant lovers will want to check the Langley Fine Gardens (despite the name, which evokes a Whidbey town, they’re from Vashon) stand, where we spotted our favorite spiky solanums last week. Read on for the official “fresh sheet” from market organizers:Read More

Another restaurant note: Sunfish about to close for 3 weeks

May 4, 2008 2:06 am
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Happened by Sunfish on Alki on Saturday; they’ve posted that they’ll be closed for vacation tomorrow (5/5) through May 26th.