Pegasus makes the move next door

pegasussign.jpgAlmost six months after it closed as Coyotes, the restaurant on 62nd/Alki’s eastern corner is back in business in its first weekend as the new home of Pegasus. (The old location is targeted for demolition, with a new 2-story building to rise on that spot.)

3 Replies to "Pegasus makes the move next door"

  • Judy Slyne March 8, 2008 (6:52 pm)

    No smell of Pizza at the new Pegasus. Maybe they cook the pies somewhere else. We had a Tom’s but without the aroma it was rather tasteless. Sorry they moved from those wonderful ovens of aroma.

  • Jack Flanders March 8, 2008 (7:52 pm)

    The ovens were more out in the open in the old place, at the new store they’re in the back more. At LEAST they still do take out…I grabbed a Pegasus Special (super great) Friday night and the joint was packed with a 30 minute wait. That’s a good thing for a restaurant. They’ll probably be a few issues (always are) with the new place/kitchen…I wish them good luck with the new joint.

  • admiral janeway March 9, 2008 (9:52 am)

    We had take-out yesterday (also the Pegasus Special). It has been a while since our last visit to Pegasus, and I didn’t know it was their first day in their new location. As always, a tasty pizza.

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