West Seattle Saturday scenes: Sunshine, FS 37, Kenney art


Thanks to John LaSpina for that shot (taken from The Mount) – one of several we want to share from some of today’s sights around WS, including two events that drew plenty of visitors:

One was the Fire Station 37 open house — a chance for people to tour the landmark “old” station and look at designs for its replacement — as you’ll see in the second of these two photos sent by Val (thank you!), kids had a good time checking out Engine 37 itself, too:



A couple miles west, The Kenney put on a truly beautiful afternoon party for its first “Art with a Heart” Art Walk, with displays gracing several of its sun-dappled gathering rooms:


This new artwork hangs over a stairway – “Kinetic Aquarium,” donated by Alma Penberthy and Joan Boileau, installed just days ago:


Musicians played in several of the Kenney’s rooms, including a harpist in the lobby, and complimentary treats ranged from South Seattle Community College-created wine to crab cakes to chocolate-dipped fruit from a fondue fountain, but the main event was the art, much of it created by Kenney residents:


Dorothy Hall, Kenney resident and board member, kindly took the time to talk with us about her quilt, which tells the story of her family and its history in Louisiana, where her father farmed rice. Her quilt’s many details include embroidered sayings she recalls her mother using, in French as well as English — from “Mais jamais” to “Pretty is as pretty does”:



Some of the Kenney artists displayed ornate greeting cards – the first group is by Doris Nelson, the second one is by Gisela Schultz:



The Kenney plans to make this an annual event. Meantime, one more look at the art inherent in nature – another photo from John LaSpina, a view we’ve seen here before but never tire of – Mount Baker, only visible from West Seattle on crystal-clear days like this:


Thanks again to everyone who sends us photos and info … e-mail us at westseattleblog@yahoo.com any time.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Saturday scenes: Sunshine, FS 37, Kenney art"

  • jiggers February 24, 2008 (3:00 pm)

    How do they get up to their chair in the sky? Do they climb it physically? or do they have a hoist of some sort? You couldn’t pay me enough money to climb up that thing.

  • Keith February 25, 2008 (11:53 am)

    Anyone happen to notice if Fire Station 37 sells t-shirts? I like collecting them from different stations.

  • miws February 26, 2008 (7:53 pm)

    Jiggers, if I recall, the operator climbs a ladderlike, or stairway like structure, inside of the tower framework, to reach the cab. He or she is stuck up there all day, because it wouldn’t be practical, considering the amount of time involved in climbing and descending, to make trips down for lunch and such. Especially as the crane grows taller, as the buliding continues to rise.


    How does the operator…..uh…..relieve him or herself? Don’t ask!



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