West Water, the latest: Ex-apartments are apartments again

Thanks to Tanaya for pointing this out in a new comment on our “West Water, the video” post: The massively marketed condo conversion on California Ave south of Morgan Junction is already offering units for rent. Maybe that’s par for the course with big conversions? Interesting, whatever the case.

21 Replies to "West Water, the latest: Ex-apartments are apartments again"

  • que November 23, 2007 (6:35 pm)


    That is hilarious!

  • Jan November 23, 2007 (7:58 pm)

    “Minutes from Downtown Seattle, I-5 and I-90, steps from Alki Beach, parks and California Avenueññ‚¬ñ„±s cafes, shops and restaurants.”

    Steps from Alki Beach? are they kidding? how many steps? 5, 340? geez…how about some truth in advertising, guys.

    Anyone out there know what these 1-bedroom units rented for before the “conversion”?

  • been there November 23, 2007 (8:04 pm)

    I have seen the selling office at West Water tell potential buyers that they (WW) will rent it out for them…

  • A.A. November 23, 2007 (8:04 pm)

    $1150 for a 1br??? holy cow.
    I know we’re paying way below market value – we have a 1000+ sq ft 2br for 650 (increasing to 715 in January) but there is NO WAY we could afford that. It’s simply not possible, and we’re a two-salary no kids family (with $200k in student loans and disproportionately low income – hooray for the unappreciated social workers!)

  • KM November 23, 2007 (8:14 pm)

    Not for the previous renters who were driven out by the condo conversion…

  • almost tenant November 23, 2007 (8:18 pm)

    I actually almost rented there about 18 months ago and the prices were around $800 then. They sure have gone up! Glad I chose to go with my very nice place in the Admiral Junction instead.

  • miws November 23, 2007 (8:45 pm)

    I love “…steps from Alki Beach….”!

    Yeah, maybe if you’re Paul Bunyan! :D


  • Westwood res November 24, 2007 (7:30 am)

    Oh yeah, how I would love to rent from someone who kicked old people who had lived there 20 years out to the street just barely a month ago. Let’s just hope potential renters research the blogs.

  • Kayleigh November 24, 2007 (7:32 am)

    “Steps from Alki Beach” is a flat-out lie, not just marketing hype!

    And having lots of renters in a condo complex is not generally a good thing—startling that West Water is, in effect, encouraging that.

  • Courtney November 24, 2007 (9:12 am)

    Our 1 bedroom, 690 sq ft apartment at West Water aka Watermarke Apts was $875/month. The 650 sq ft units are probably what they’re renting for $1150. But then they “completely upgraded” the whole building in about a month. What a deal! ;-)

  • old timer November 24, 2007 (9:15 am)

    I’ll bet there is a bankruptcy lurking in the wings.
    After 3 weeks of marketing hype; radio ads, kleig lights, political-type signage, they are renting units?

    Wouldn’t you like to be a first time buyer on the hook for over $200K and having to live next door to whoever can scrape up first, last and deposit?

    How likely is it that you will be a purchaser now?

    Maybe it will be a ‘flipper nest’, everyone buying rental units as tickets on the real estate express.

    Hope they keep track of the washouts ahead!

  • Anony November 24, 2007 (2:21 pm)

    Old Timer –

    I’m one of those dreadful people that you deem as “…whoever can scrape up first, last, and deposit?”, i.e. I rent.

    The arrogance of some posters on this blog is astounding.

  • Barbara November 24, 2007 (2:57 pm)

    Old Timer – I know that there are a lot of bad renters out there, but I also know that there are a lot of good renters also. I am a renter and I treat the home that I rent as if it were my own. I’ve seen some homes that were owned and were trashed and not taken care of. Just because we don’t own our homes does not mean we are undesirables that shouldn’t live next door to someone that owns their home.

  • Sue November 24, 2007 (8:31 pm)

    When we were offered the condos at West Ridge Park, one of the big turn-offs to me was the fact that only half the complex was being turned into condos – the part north of Kenyon was to remain renters – and they said they had the right to fill unsold condo units with renters. My reason for disliking this was not because of any disrespect to renters, as I’ve been a renter all my life (and continue to be), but because if I ever wanted to sell that condo later, that is (from what I’ve been told) a major turn-off to sellers and may property values.

  • Kayleigh November 25, 2007 (5:51 am)

    Hey, I’m a renter and I meant no disrespect to renters. I’m not sure Old Timer did either; I interpreted his/her remarks as the buyer feeling ripped off because all a renter had to do was come up with first, last and deposit. Whereas the condo buyer had to come up with a $30K downpayment, closing costs, etc.

    When I was condo shopping, I was advised to look at the % being rented, and it was definitely a drawback for me–not because of snobbery but because theoretically, buyers are more involved and invested in the well-being of the place.

  • Chris November 26, 2007 (2:28 pm)

    Does anyone have a link to a live craigslist posting for one of the West Water rentals? The one in the original post is no longer live.

    Just curious to see how they are writing it up!

  • WSB November 26, 2007 (2:32 pm)

    this one is still live, found it via google:

  • Sally November 30, 2007 (10:47 pm)

    After reading about WestWater here, I have to admit that my curiousity got the best of me, so I went into the sales center and told them that I had seen their craig’s list ad.I was introduced to a young lady who showed me the unit for rent and explained that the building had a handful of investors and as a courtesy to them,the office was showing the units that these investors had purchased. She explained the process and made it clear that I (if I was renting) would be renting from the HOMEOWNER and not from the developer.
    She gave me more information than that but I thought I would pass this information along to anyone that is interested.

  • Kristin December 4, 2007 (9:55 pm)

    Wow…flashbacks. I’m the one linked to back when this got announced and I haven’t really been on the scene since then. I’ve been getting used to my ‘new’ apartment that is up by Alki (LITERALLY steps from the water…I can see it from inside!).

    I really miss my Watermarke neighbors…there were a lot of good ones there. I’m sure there are cool people here at Alki too but it’s yucky out and so I haven’t met too many.

    C’est la vie!!!!

    I wish everyone the best…renters rule. For any old neighbors that read this…my little girl is two now and soo grown up! I miss that courtyard and our patio on it so so so much. She loved playing out there.


  • Kristin December 4, 2007 (10:01 pm)

    I should say *one of the one’s* and the link I’m referring to was on THIS post when I talked about loving this placeand on THIS post where my blog was mentioned…back in the day…I’m glad I’m by another school for my daughter!!

  • Eva May 2, 2008 (10:34 am)

    These are not apartments. I am very serious about buying one of the one bedrooms which the developer is selling for $219,000. These are really nice condos, affordable, secure, and in a great location.

Sorry, comment time is over.