month : 11/2007 259 results

West Seattle Christmas lights, 11/28/07

Earlier than usual tonight because as West Seattle Christmas lights go, this is breaking news – the Menashe family’s famous display on Beach Drive was finally on in full glory when we drove by a short time ago – THURSDAY NIGHT UPDATE: we’ve replaced our original cameraphone photo with a pic courtesy of Christopher Shoemaker, who took it after helping the Menashes with the finishing touches:


The house is on the water side of Beach Drive roughly halfway between Me-Kwa-Mooks and Lowman Beach. Meantime, if you’ve put up, or seen, an especially bright (or unique) display, please let us know about it!

Reader report: Shadowland reportedly open

So says e-mail we just received from Lessie. Won’t be able to confirm in person for a while, so if you’re anywhere near The Junction, more reports welcome.

West Seattle snow on the way?

You may have heard the first stirrings of Snow Suspicions ’07. Here’s a link to the National Weather Service‘s updated forecast (posted at 3:30 pm) – the outlook for the metro area says “local accumulations of an inch or so (are) possible, mainly on hilltops away from the water.” The “forecast discussion” further refines the metro outlook to “Seatac southward” — but you just never know until it hits (or doesn’t). By the way, we had a “snow day” exactly one year ago today; go to our November ’06 archive page and scroll down a bit to read the 11/28/06 posts. (No photos, sorry, we weren’t camera-equipped way back then!)

Upzone updates: Opponents’ flyer, supporters’ comments

upzonescreengrab.jpgOn the eve of the public meeting about the upzoning proposal for both sides of California Ave between Hanford and Hinds (and a bit south on the west side), two updates: Neighborhood opponents are distributing a flyer around the area with their concerns and full details of how to have a say (they sent us a copy; we uploaded it – click here to read it); supporters continue to add comments to our earlier posts (one comment is at the bottom of the list here; another one at the bottom here). Tomorrow night’s meeting is at West Seattle High School, 6:30 pm. For background info, the city’s page about the proposal is here; our report on informal presentations made 2 weeks ago to the Admiral Neighborhood Association by a developers’ rep and a city planner is here.

West Seattle Bridge bird-watching

Cool falcon sighting, with photo, here – and it’s apparently related to the bird-watching trip mentioned in this article.

Reader Recommendation Request: On the fence

From David:

I am about to drop a considerable amount of money on a new fence and have been unimpressed by the big names that have come by so far to provide quotes. Some have
even taken 2 months to just get us an estimate ~! Can you please inquire with the community on recommendations for fence contractors/companies in the area that perform fast, reliable work?

As always, please respond by adding a comment; all WSB Reader Recommendation Requests are archived here.

Gifts that keep on giving

West Seattle holiday gifts ‘n’ stuff with an extra punch – plus a request for ideas from you:

poinsettia.jpgPOINSETTIAS TO HELP STUDENTS: Today’s the deadline to get orders in for the Chief Sealth High School Band fundraising poinsettia sale; full details in our original post – we just checked and they DO have some left!

BOOKS FOR WESTSIDE BABY: This Saturday, during Hometown Holidays weekend, Square 1 Books in Jefferson Square is having a unique sale — as described on the Square One blog, “Purchase any children’s book from us Dec. 1-2 for 15 percent off and we will donate the book to WestSide Baby. The books will be distributed to families in need in December.”

CALENDARS FOR CANINES: Wendy Hughes-Jelen, from the High Point K-9 Club and other endeavors, has created the 2008 IGGY Ambassadors Calendar, which she describes further: “Entitled ‘Personal images of the dogs we love, photographed by members of IGGY Ambassadors — Emerald City (Italian Greyhounds of the Northwest)’, it is a large and elegant calendar, something to be treasured by ALL dog lovers.” 16% of the price of each calendar (what’s left after printing costs & the publisher’s fee) goes to “help pay for vet bills and other costs associated with the very active Northwest Italian greyhound rescue community.” You can preview the calendar here; you can order it here.

NOW, A QUESTION FOR YOU: This came in as a WSB Reader Recommendation Request but relates to the topic of “gifts that keep on giving” — Adam e-mailed, “In lieu of giving presents, my wife and I have donated money which we might normally spend on presents to some of the many worthwhile charities. We are searching for recommendations for legitimate local charities for Iraq veterans and their families. Any reader suggestions?”

Reader report: Train derailment

From Garrett:

Train slightly derailed, zig zag fashion, right under the intersection of 99 and spokane st viaduct. Don’t know if this will affect any West Seattle Bridge traffic!

8:45 UPDATE: John from WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits forwarded a city traffic alert e-mail that says: “All lanes on S Spokane St are blocked by a derailed train at E Marginal Way S. Seattle Police are providing traffic control.”

2 important events in West Seattle today & tonight

November 28, 2007 6:15 am
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SENATOR HERE THIS MORNING: U.S. Senator Patty Murray and a long list of business and education leaders will be in West Seattle this morning, in Olympic Hall at South Seattle Community College, for a field hearing of Murray’s Senate Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety.

FIRST STOP IN THE CITY PARKS HEARING TOUR TONIGHT: As we reported earlier this month, the city Parks Department is touring the city in a series of 30-plus public hearings on what should be in its forthcoming Strategic Business Plan. Tonight is the first of five hearings in West Seattle (7-9 pm, Southwest Community Center). Lots more info here; the full list of meetings is here; if you are absolutely certain you cannot make it to any of those meetings, the Parks Department has a “short online survey” you can take here. With so much parkland here on our beautiful peninsula — and remember, we’re the biggest neighborhood in the city! — it’s vital to have West Seattle opinions, hopes, and dreams represented in the forthcoming Parks plan.

An offer they couldn’t refuse

November 27, 2007 11:30 pm
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Big response to this morning’s post about the Chief Sealth High School class offering free web design to some West Seattle nonprofits and small businesses next semester; the P-I’s Big Blog checked in with teacher Sam Reed, who told us this afternoon he’d heard from more than a dozen prospects; by tonight, it was up to 30.

West Seattle Christmas lights, 11/27/07

November 27, 2007 10:12 pm
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On a hedge west of The Junction, along Erskine west of Hudson (map here; we will have an all-inclusive map shortly showing all the lights we’re featuring). And for those who are on Menashe Watch along Beach Drive — drove by again tonight, they’re not quite there yet, but the first night that house is lit in all its glory, you’ll hear about it here. Meantime, if you have bright lights or have seen some somewhere, please e-mail us about ’em so we can add them to our West Seattle Christmas lights patrol; if you’re looking for holiday events, with or without lights, the list just keeps getting longer on our everything-West-Seattle Events page.

West Seattle scene: The birdman of Alki


From WSB contributing photographer Matt Durham: Tuesday morning, “Dan” walks and feeds the pigeons on Alki Beach. Dan can often be seen walking Alki Beach with two or three pigeons perched on his shoulders or tucked under his arms.

(Prints of Matt’s WSB photos and his other work are available through his site,

Results official; new West Seattle school-board rep to be sworn in

sundquistphoto1.jpgThe King County Elections Department has just certified final results from this month’s election; the final count in Seattle School Board District 6, which is centered on West Seattle (but is voted on citywide in the general election), was Steve Sundquist (photo left) 61.2%, Maria Ramirez 38.4%. Sundquist and other newly elected school-board members will be sworn in at school-district HQ in Sodo tomorrow night.

Reader report: Trouble at Delridge/Sylvan

From the inbox (thanks to “AA”):

Looks like either a glass truck lost its load, or someone t-boned it. There is glass ALL over the intersection and the police have a big blockade around it and a traffic arrow. The backup was almost a half-mile down Delridge when driving North to South. There is no backup driving South to North. Sylvan is blocked west of Delridge. The glass truck is parked in the Arco parking lot and there are people milling about. Worth letting people know if they can take an alternate route to the South Delridge area, it’s probably a good idea.

About the Admiral medians …


The next step is here for the medians left mostly bare since the Admiral Way repaving last summer (as seen in our August photo above). Now, the city says it’s ready to figure out where it wants to put trees in the medians, with time for you to have a say on whether you agree:Read More

Moonrise in The Junction


WSB contributing photographer Christopher Boffoli spotted the last piece of the Shadowland sign now in place — the moon. As for when they’re opening – still waiting to hear.

West Seattle crime watch: Previous peeper sighting

After yesterday’s report about one “peeper” reported in two West Seattle neighborhoods last Saturday night, this e-mail came in from WSB reader “L”:

I am a resident from the Andover/46th block. After reading and hearing about the peeper from this past weekend I was reminded of my own experience this past August 14th. I was awakened in the early morning hours, 1:30 – 2:30, by a strange noise and when I went to investigate saw a man standing at my sliding glass door. I called 911 and the police arrived and searched our yard but found no traces of the man. I was alarmed last night to find that these peeper reports are in close proximity to our address. Hopefully the police are taking notice and patrolling our neighborhood a bit more often than normal.

We are working on obtaining more information about last weekend’s incidents and will of course report whatever we find out.

Pigeon Point project: Neighbor input needed NOW

November 27, 2007 10:03 am
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From Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council leaders: An urgent call to neighbors to find out if they want to meet this week with the principal/CEO of the firm behind a sizable housing development on 22nd SW (city info page here), because that executive can schedule a meeting either this week, or not till next year. The development centered at 3816 22nd SW (here’s a map) would include 14 housing units — 2 single-family homes plus 12 townhouse units. Neighborhood leaders need to hear by 6 pm tonight from anybody who would be interested in a meeting this week; if you’re in the Pigeon Point area and not already on its list, contact info is at the PPNC site.

Welcoming another sponsor: Hometown Holidays in The Junction

bighometownholidays.jpgThis weekend is going to be the biggest holiday bash ever in The Junction, and we are thrilled that the West Seattle Junction Association has chosen to advertise on WSB to make double-extra-triple-sure you know about Hometown Holidays (joining our other fabulous WSB sponsors — Hotwire Coffee and Garlic Jim’s Pizza in The Junction, Click! Design That Fits in the Admiral District, local Realtor Bill Barna, and local Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist Rhonda Porter.) As the holiday season really gets into swing, we’ve already brought you previews of the two-day Hometown Holidays celebration – including last week, when we alerted you that the WSJA website had posted new details, including word of a new location for the official West Seattle Christmas Tree (which will be lit during a don’t-miss ceremony at 6 pm Saturday). Now the fun is just days away: Noon-7 pm Saturday, 10 am-5 pm Sunday. Here are even more details (see you there!):Read More

Local students have an offer for you: Free website design

Do you have a West Seattle nonprofit organization or small business with no website (or not much of one)? Chief Sealth High School teacher Sam Reed, and some of his students, have an offer for you:Read More

West Seattle Christmas lights, 11/26/07


Always a cheery sight on 35th … it’s the holiday lights of historic Fire Station 37 (to be replaced by a new station a few blocks away; that city link says construction should start late next year). Got bright lights or seen some? E-mail WSB!

Reader Recommendation Request: Company for a mini-move?

Future West Seattleite Tanaya e-mailed this Reader Recommendation Request:

We will be moving from a small one bedroom apartment in Capitol Hill to a small one bedroom apartment near Alki, mid-December. Does anyone know of a reliable moving company that will handle a small move? Thanks!

Please post recommendations as comments; check out other WSB RRRs and their respective responses in their own archives here.