day : 23/11/2007 9 results

Boozeless Bamboo (temporarily)

Thanks to WSB reader Venkat for the tip that Bamboo Bar & Grill on Alki is mighty dark tonight — because of a big orange notice posted out front from the Washington Liquor Control Board: Liquor license suspended. We went by for a closer look; too dark for us to make out the exact dates on the notice – looked fairly short term — but we could read that the suspension was for “furnishing alcohol to minors.” We can’t find a press release about the suspension on the Liquor Control Board website, but did see info there that Bamboo was fined $350 for the same thing in May, then fined $1500 for the same thing in October. SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Looks like the suspension’s over; Bamboo’s open again.

Reader Recommendation Request: Cable or satellite?

From Tom:

We are tired finally of the old “rabbit ears.” Looking online it appears the Direct TV (dish) is about $20.00 less per month than cable (for the stripped-down, one-step-up-from-the-minimum package). However, I have heard of dish systems being unreliable or having poor reception in certain areas. So … I thought I’d appeal to my co-Westies. I am on 35th by High Point. Any input about your experiences are welcome; in particular nearby folks’ tales of success or failure would be especially helpful.

Please respond by leaving a comment; thanks to everyone who takes the time to participate in RRRs! Meantime, you can find all WSB Reader Recommendation Request discussions archived here.

West Water, the latest: Ex-apartments are apartments again

Thanks to Tanaya for pointing this out in a new comment on our “West Water, the video” post: The massively marketed condo conversion on California Ave south of Morgan Junction is already offering units for rent. Maybe that’s par for the course with big conversions? Interesting, whatever the case.

Holiday greenery


Walking behind West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician and spouse Sharon Nickels in this morning’s downtown holiday parade was a posse of people in green T-shirts emblazoned in white, SAVE SANTA (you can catch a glimpse in our photo above). Turns out that’s the latest offshoot of the city climate-change-fighting campaign.

West Seattle Weekend Lineup, post-turkey edition

A little quieter than usual but not that quiet, with events featuring Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and even The Beer Church: 20 West Seattle events ahead for the last weekend of November:Read More

Fauntleroy Creek update: The coho comeback continues

November 23, 2007 9:00 am
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 |   West Seattle news | Wildlife

New update at Almost 100 spawners counted at Fauntleroy Creek so far!

From the Black Friday front lines in West Seattle

So a particular chain retailer at Westwood Village had this incredible laptop deal. Got there when they opened at 6 am … 100 people in line, plotting near-military strategy for bargain reconnaissance. We retreated. Friendlier crowd at the one Junction store that opened its doors at 5 am, the rubber-stamping store Friends and Company, where we caught up with proprietor Doris Goulet and her early-bird shoppers during the first half-hour:

West Seattle holiday-shopping season ’07: And they’re off!


Nobody camping outside West Seattle’s early-opening chain stores when we checked late last night (just the big cart lineup outside Westwood Village Target, shown above). But they’re not the only ones opening early (Target 6 am, Bed Bath Beyond 6 am, Radio Shack 6 am, for example) — some independent retailers are getting creative too, like Friends & Company in The Junction, which is coupling a 5 am opening today with free early-bird eats and a tiered sale, starting at 40% off between 5-6 am. But there’s time to pace yourself — from today through Christmas Eve, 32 shopping days this year, and lots of new choices (as well as existing faves) for keeping your $ here on the peninsula.