Pet protection, plus a pair of pleas

The city is offering pet owners this advice on Halloween pet safety. Meantime, two missing cats to be on the lookout for — e-mail WSB if you have information on either one, and we will put you in touch with the owners:

tigger.jpgsage.jpg.bmpThe photo at left shows Tigger, an 11-year-old indoor cat missing since Saturday 10/20; his owners think the wind blew open their patio door, and out Tigger went. He should be wearing a black collar with identifying information and his license tag. He’s a silver/gray Maine Coon Tabby. … The photo at right shows Sage, also an indoor cat, but her owner says Sage’s escape this past Saturday night is a mystery. They live in the Sylvan Ridge development on the west edge of the High Point area. Sage is bluish-gray with a white belly.

2 Replies to "Pet protection, plus a pair of pleas"

  • elizabeth October 30, 2007 (1:42 pm)

    Does Sage wear a pink collar? We had a cat in our yard last night fitting the description, it had a pink collar. i will keep an eye out….

  • Shirley November 1, 2007 (6:53 pm)

    Thank you so much for checking. No, she doesn’t have a collar. Just moved into new house 2 weeks ago and I had not gotten collars with my new local info.

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