West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
The most recent information recorded on the Seattle Fire Department media info line says the fire that gutted this house on 23rd north of Willow this morning was “a set fire.” No elaboration on that, so far. The Fire Department also says no one was hurt and the family living in the home is now staying with relatives. The total cost of damage done by the fire is estimated at $150,000.
The city is offering pet owners this advice on Halloween pet safety. Meantime, two missing cats to be on the lookout for — e-mail WSB if you have information on either one, and we will put you in touch with the owners:
The photo at left shows Tigger, an 11-year-old indoor cat missing since Saturday 10/20; his owners think the wind blew open their patio door, and out Tigger went. He should be wearing a black collar with identifying information and his license tag. He’s a silver/gray Maine Coon Tabby. … The photo at right shows Sage, also an indoor cat, but her owner says Sage’s escape this past Saturday night is a mystery. They live in the Sylvan Ridge development on the west edge of the High Point area. Sage is bluish-gray with a white belly.
Two nights till Halloween! As we count down … first, a photo from what promises to be one of the wildest Halloween night events in West Seattle (and it continues the night AFTER Halloween as well) — Skeleton Theatre at 36th & Hanford. This free neighborhood production drew thousands last year; this year, the Skeleton Theatre team has a website up with lots of info about the show, the people, when and where to see it. And they sent this cool photo:
And we continue showcasing the pumpkin photos you’re sending. In honor of the High Point award mentioned earlier, here are three jack-o-lanterns by a family in HP — first by Rachel; next by Galen; then, by Michael (more later!):
According to the King County Medical Examiner hotline’s afternoon update, the man hit by an SUV near Fire Station 37 on Saturday night — closing off two blocks of 35th for several hours — has died. He is identified as 85-year-old Oswald Clement.
The development has just won a Global Award for Excellence — one of only two U.S. projects among the 5 winners worldwide. Here’s what the judges liked about it.
Just out of the inbox, from Steven:
My shed has been broken into twice within the last six months. I live on 11th Avenue, SW (Highland Park). There have been a string of automobile window-bashing within that same timeframe (12th Ave.) Don’t know if they’re at all related.
I want to replace the shed door with a steel or fiberglass unit, and also replace my basement door with the same…and also swap the deadbolt on the balcony/deck door to a two-way-keyed deadbolt. I’ve been quoted prices as high as $500 installation PER DOOR. That strikes me as a bit outrageous…considering the cost of the actual door itself.
I’m about to head out to both Home Depot and McLendon’s for some guidance help … but seriously, I have a wife and baby that I need to protect. What was stolen isn’t important, keeping my family safe is. Readers, please help me find a trustworthy WestSeattlite (or surrounding contractor) who performs good work at reasonable prices!
As we reported after attending the arraignment of the Alki 17-year-old charged as an adult with second-degree murder for the fatal shooting at 59th/Admiral on October 13th, his lawyer is arguing that he should be released from jail or at least have his bail cut. We now have the court paperwork with details of why the defense claims he would not be a threat to the community — and it aligns with the speculation some voiced when a call for witnesses was put out by lawyer Robert Perez:Read More
Big Fire Department contingent at 23rd north of Willow (just west of Delridge) because of a house fire. 9:50 AM UPDATE: Most of the fire crews are leaving now, but the house appears to be a total loss. 11:25 AM UPDATE: Brief P-I blurb says 7 people lived in the house and all got out OK.
UPDATE: As of 1pm there was still a fire crew on the scene. Here’s two pictures that were taken just half an hour ago.
Out of the inbox, from Dolly, for discussion — any insight?
After reading and contributing to the Admiral Slowdown post (last week) – which generated wonderful debate amongst our West Seattlelites and make a blog fun – I wondered if you would introduce this to the WSB: Why on earth do people coming from I-5 north > West Seattle Bridge Exit have to yield to people coming from Columbian Way? There are 10 times (at the very least) more cars coming from the freeway than are coming from Columbian Way – esp. during evening rush hour – so why do the majority of cars yield to the minority?
One thing I thought of was *possibly* – the numbers of cars from I-5 would make it hard for Columbian Way mergers to merge. But that isn’t the case for Columbian Way drivers merging into WS Bridge traffic going onto northbound I-5 (in the morning commute).
I hate this. It’s hard for I-5 evening commute drivers to even see if there’s a stoppage on the bridge as we’re getting off due to the massive curve that makes visibility of the road ahead of you so difficult, and pair that with a yield at the bottom of a curve you can’t see until you’re on it. It seems (and is, IMO) very dangerous. Compared to the relatively straight drive the Columbia Way mergers have that can see the I-5 mergers – they’d be able to stop in a flash better than the I-5’ers. So why do the I-5ers have to yield?
I really don’t get this!