day : 25/09/2007 9 results

Election countdown

The November 6th election is exactly six weeks away. 2007 is not as glamorous an election year as next one will be, with marquee offices like President and Governor on the ballot in ’08, but this one’s a bit of a sleeper, featuring ballot issues that could affect our community for years to come.

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Seal survivor gets a name

Brenda Peterson of the Seal Sitters sent us an update on the seal caught in a dangerous situation before a heroic rescue last night. If you would like to volunteer, e-mail us (please be sure to include your phone #, which will be used for no other purpose than forwarding to Brenda):

The same small pup is back on the beach today and resting now that the audio tape is untangled from his back flipper. We have named this pup Singer, because of the rather poignant audio connection that we are grateful will no longer harm him. He is still underweight, which means he may be getting weaned and just learning to fish for himself. There are a few seal sitters there but we always need more volunteers to send us a note with their phone numbers. Thanks!

“Attack” report a hoax

Just seen on tv, can’t find it online yet – the Chief Sealth student who said he was attacked just offcampus at lunchtime last Friday, now apparently says he made up the story – it was some kind of “initiation,” not a random attack.

Will keep an eye out for more followup on this.

West Seattle Gas Price Watch returns


Time to get back on the horse and resume galloping around WS checking on gas prices, now that the price of regular unleaded is perched on the precipice of 3 bucks once again, after bottoming out in the $2.60s just six weeks ago. Two 76/Conoco Phillips stations in WS share the honors of highest per-gallon price for that grade as of late this morning, Fauntleroy/Alaska (left) and Lincoln Park. At the low end of the scale is Arco on Delridge, by Home Depot, $2.85/gallon for regular unleaded as of late morning. We’ve seen prices past $3 in other parts of town; the latest national coverage suggests prices won’t be dropping again any time soon.

Sad anniversaries

September 25, 2007 1:12 pm
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Late September was an unpleasant time on our side of the bay last year. Today, Cathy Woo‘s Alki Beach Walks blog reminds us that yesterday marked 1 year since the Alki Ave crash that killed 2 teenagers. Later this week, it’ll be one year since the High Point bike-van collision that killed bicyclist Susanne Scaringi.

The latest sign of things to come

When the “Coming Soon/Office Depot” banner went up on the fence at the megaproject site across from Jefferson Square, we wondered why not a “Coming Soon/QFC” banner too, since those are the two major announced retail tenants. Three weeks later, QFC is now flying its colors too:


Brevity can equal levity

This reminds us that Seattle Public Schools had sent around a press release recently mentioning that just-retired assistant principal Nels Enquist from Chief Sealth HS will be honored as a “Distinguished Principal” at next month’s Association of Washington School Principals conference. But CSHS might want to add a letter or two to this tribute spotted on the school’s marquee this morning:


Traffic alert: Crash on The Bridge

If you’re getting ready to head onto The Bridge — beware, there’s a big backup because of a three-car crash. The city bridge cam that faces west appears to be deliberately pointed away from it; the city bridge cam facing east shows things are OK once you get past it; the city cam at Fauntleroy/Alaska shows the backup waiting to get onto The Bridge (our source in traffic isn’t even going a block a minute). 7:59 AM UPDATE: Radio traffic reports say the crash scene is now clear, though residual backups will take a while to ease.

A dying breed


We wondered how much longer this triangle lot on the east side of Fauntleroy, just before Morgan Junction, could stay empty, especially after seeing a little clearing work on it recently. Perhaps not much longer, given this listing offering it for $1,450,000 as “one of the last 10-unit sites zoned L2 on Fauntleroy … flat as a pancake … No hillside means no need for expensive development of the lot with bulkheads and heavy excavating that drive up lot costs.”