WS Lost/Found Pet Watch: Sammy’s out there somewhere

The subject line on the e-mail about this lost cat was a grabber — LOST SPECIAL NEEDS CAT. Sammy’s owner writes that he’s a “special needs, indoor cat. His hind legs don’t work well, so he drags them around while he pulls himself along with his forelegs. He can move unexpectedly fast though. He was lost at 46th and Genesee in West Seattle on Monday morning. He is a medium-sized Siamese and he does not have a collar on.” Call Sammy’s people at 937-4418 or 396-8026.



13 Replies to "WS Lost/Found Pet Watch: Sammy's out there somewhere"

  • Sue July 30, 2007 (8:03 pm)

    I’m really sorry to hear about Sammy and will certainly keep an eye out. However, it never ceases to amaze me how many people don’t have collars on their animals. Mine is a totally indoor cat and he’s got a collar with all his tags on – license, rabies tag with vet ID, and a tag with our name and phone numbers. I don’t know if his being a special needs kitty made any difference about the ability to wear a collar, but I hear this all the time, lost pets with no ID whatsoever. That’s how we came to find our cat 2 years ago – wandering in the same area over a week, no tags, no one answering the lost cat signs that were put up.

  • sass July 30, 2007 (10:25 pm)

    Sending good thoughts your way for Sammy’s speedy return. He is probably hunkered down somewhere, trying to keep cool today!

  • The House July 30, 2007 (10:31 pm)

    Why can’t these pet posts be like the pets and get lost? They’re lame.

  • Tony July 30, 2007 (10:54 pm)

    Sammy is back. Yes, I have learned. He will be collared and tagged.

  • Jan July 31, 2007 (2:01 am)

    hey, House…here’s a suggestion…don’t read them. They may be lame to you, but they could be important to someone else. It’s sort of like turning the channel when there’s something on that you don’t like…got it?

  • RKayne July 31, 2007 (9:43 am)

    No Doubt, you are right, Jan. My kitties have collars but when my big dumb boy kitty decided to stay out too long (turns out someone REALLY liked him and my stepson had to ‘get’ him) I posted everywhere, don’t like it …don’t read it.

  • Jim July 31, 2007 (10:33 am)

    Talk about lame. House has the market cornered on lame… Give us all a break and keep your relentless negativity in check will ya?

  • huindekmi July 31, 2007 (12:01 pm)

    We’ve given up putting a collar on our cat. He’s an escape artist of sorts. He has a small head and a thick neck (proportionally) and has managed to get himself out of every collar we’ve put on him – four to date. Each one was on just tight enough not to choke him, and yet he keeps getting out of them.
    He’s been chipped, though. Like to see him get out of that one.

  • The House July 31, 2007 (3:00 pm)

    Some of you are confused. I don’t have a negative attitude. I was simply expressing my opinion since it seems like this site has turned into a lost and found for irresponsible pet owners. Want a great idea? Start a website that specializes in finding pets…apparently there is a need.

  • Jan July 31, 2007 (4:29 pm)

    wel, then, house, perhaps it’s the way you say things…they simply sound negatis out here who don’t really know you. Now..about the animal postings. I think it’s up to the person who writes this blog as to what the contents are. If he deems it important, then it goes in. If you read him correctly in a previous pet missing post, he is working on a little separate thingy for just this.

    And, no, we’re not confused…we’re probably just not on the same high level as you…but we’re working on it…how is the air up there, anyway?
    now, come on, I say that in the nicest way ;-)

  • Jan July 31, 2007 (4:36 pm)

    hmmm…that should say…they sound negative to us out here…damned dyslexic fingers :)

  • GenHillOne August 1, 2007 (7:30 am)

    As long as they don’t become cumbersome for WSB, I think these are valuable posts – the most immediate way to get the word out on lost “family members” – and I’m glad Sammy is home. We immediately had our eyes peeled for him.

  • Jenny August 1, 2007 (12:21 pm)

    We’ve given up putting a collar on our cat. He’s an escape artist of sorts. He has a small head and a thick neck (proportionally) and has managed to get himself out of every collar we’ve put on him – four to date. Each one was on just tight enough not to choke him, and yet he keeps getting out of them.

    He’s been chipped, though. Like to see him get out of that one.

    Indoor cats tend to live longer, but I never thought our cats could ever be kept in the house all the time, so we compromised. We let them out, wearing a harness, always on a very long leash.

    Both cats quickly got used to it. Years later our older cat, Lightbulb, figured out how to wriggle out of his harness at will if it was tied to the leash, but by that time we figured he was old enough to know to stay reasonably safe – so we would let him go out as long as he had his “clothes” on. (It helped that he had been neutered, so he had no reason to roam TOO far.) Our younger cat, Neko, is content to be on the leash when she’s outside.

    As long as you check up on them every 1/2 hour or so, so that they haven’t gotten themselves wrapped around a bush or something, it works out fine.

Sorry, comment time is over.