Thanks & good night

Much more WS news to tell you about, but it’s going to have to wait till morning. For now, we close the night with words of thanks for polite WS drivers, from a WSB reader who hopes to see more of them:

I know that it’s been tough for commuters using Admiral Way lately.

From those of us living just off Admiral between 37th and 39th, I’d like to send out a thank you to the few drivers who have been kind enough to let us into and out of our neighborhood.

Some days (like Monday when I had to take my cat to the vet) I waited 10 minutes to turn right onto Admiral from 39th. Finally, one driver, a man in a black sedan, let me in. Special thanks to that driver!

2 Replies to "Thanks & good night"

  • allie July 19, 2007 (5:26 pm)

    Now if I could only convince folks to stop passing the line of cars headed up Admiral. I’m amazed how many folks think it’s OK for them to pass me as I’m politely driving in the right lane, waiting to pass the construction zone that starts at Olga. I’m sure they must save about 45-60 seconds by passing me and then swerving into the right lane near the top of the hill. Come on – where are your manners?

  • m July 20, 2007 (12:03 pm)

    If the left lane is open, it should be used up to the point where you have to merge, and then as cars merge, it should be from every other lane,like a zipper (many drivers in Seattle don’t understand that concept). If drivers choose not to take full advantage of using a viable lane and have to wait, that is their choice.

    A situation like getting onto the WS Bridge from south 99 is totally different though, and I agree with your concept; people that go to the exit and cut in right before should have gotten in the back of the line, since that exit is not a controlled merging area.

Sorry, comment time is over.