Imagine this view … with water up to your knees?


Tonight’s sunset, from Alki, where the sand runs out on the eastern edge. How much might global warming/climate change/whatever-ya-wanna-callit alter our WS shorelines? The National Wildlife Federation is out with a new report attempting to answer that, while examining potential effects on other shoreline habitats around our region. Channel 7 tv news came out to Alki to do its summary of the NWF report and even traveled south of the point to cast a suspicious eye on the pilings-propped Harbor West complex, but we can’t find that clip online, yet. You can read the entire NWF document for yourself, however (and note the WS photo on page 13, taken by WSB reader/chasBlog blogger Charles Redmond). Bottom line? Maybe a 2-foot rise around here, so it sounds like Beach Drive waterfront houses are safe, for a century or so, at least.

1 Reply to "Imagine this view ... with water up to your knees?"

  • Mark July 25, 2007 (1:48 pm)

    Cool! My $1million condo is safe! That means I can enjoy my mojitos on the deck even though we have lost irreplaceable wetlands, salmon runs,etc.. Party on!

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