Pictures of police search

UPDATE: West Seattle Mag has some on-the-ground shots of the police search. KING5 has video on their web site showing the K-9 unit’s part in the chase and KIRO-TV has added some new shots to the slideshow mentioned here.
KIRO TV has a slide show of the police search here. Reportedly the robber is now believed to have gotten away.

7 Replies to "Pictures of police search"

  • Robert May 15, 2007 (2:53 pm)

    Gotta luv those Comcast ads that show up every couple of clicks!

  • Chet May 15, 2007 (2:56 pm)

    yeah, I hate those!

  • Matt Durham May 15, 2007 (4:48 pm)


  • k May 15, 2007 (5:44 pm)

    we are in one of the houses who had the exterior and basement searched. they arrested one man right when they arrived and said they were looking for another. no one is reporting that arrest. wrong guy? we assume. btw, the police did not communicate with people in their homes. they never did interior searches. never instructed people what to do. one announcement was made down the street informing people of a K9 unit, but that was it. terrifying! next thing we know, everyone is gone as if nothing happened.

  • roddy May 15, 2007 (6:07 pm)

    yeah, we need a KING5 breaking news outlet here…sure we do! Now if WSMag would only go hi-def we would really be in business!

    Good job westseattleblog….nice chest-thumping westseattlemag.

  • GenHillOne May 15, 2007 (6:55 pm)

    Didn’t hear about this until almost 5:00. Was disturbed when I called home to hear my son say “oh yeah, I wondered what the helicopters were doing…” Ugh. Love that the school bus was business as usual, dropping kids off in the area (about 2:30). In the driver’s defense, I’m sure he was completely unaware, but it makes you wonder. We’ve seen a bank robber apprehended in our neighborhood before and it comes with a lot of fire power. I agree with k, it’s a bit terrifying when right in front of you!

  • jessiesk May 17, 2007 (12:04 pm)

    I tried to stop at home at about 2:15 and was told I could not, in fact I couldn’t pass the cop blockade at the bottom of 45th (cross street Erskine). I was basically told there was a bank robber hiding in my yard (I’m the only one with a horribly unkempt yard with lots of trees and weeds to hide in–sorry neighbors! I’m working on it) and that K9s were on the loose. I have outdoor cats with neurotic personalities, so this was not good news…

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