Closer to the bite of the backhoe

453242nd.jpgThere’s a new development in Land Use Land regarding one of the first unique local buildings whose impending demise we lamented, 4532 42nd SW (original post from last August). An application is now filed (with less than two weeks for public comment) with some more specifics on what’s proposed there: Six stories, mixed-use, 35 residential units over 3,000-plus SF of “commercial space.”

3 Replies to "Closer to the bite of the backhoe"

  • Chet May 14, 2007 (8:10 am)

    I thought I noticed a new land use sign out front. Doesn’t this have landmark status? How can this areas first hospital be torn down? Developers seem to have no problem finding building to tear down so why go and pick on this one? I guess I am not surprised though given their character/operating methods.

  • Will May 14, 2007 (8:30 am)

    Wah! I used to live there.

    Let’s see, it must have been about 7 years ago that my wife (then girlfriend) found this house for rent. Me, Chamaine, her sister Jackie and our son Liam took three of the SEVEN bedrooms.

    One of the most memorable days was February 28, 2001. I was in the shower on the second floor, getting ready for our wedding. Chamaine and I were headin’ to the courthouse to get hitched. I thought it very strange when the house started to shake…hmmm…must be a large truck driving by…

    When things started falling off of shelves, I realized it was an earthquake and I was currently showering in a home built in 1907. I did what any sane person would do, I ran.

    As I ran I heard my son crying so naturally I called out and shot down the stairs. Then I ran back UP the stairs to get some pants when I realized I was still naked. I finally made it outside to find Chamaine and Liam standing on the front walk looking a little green.

    We ended up getting married in Volunteer Park later that day.

    Eventually, we had to say goodbye to the house. We bought a little three bedroom brick number up in Westwood and moved. During our stay, many people would stop by and tell us stories of the house. Some said that they would run by the “haunted house” on the way to school.

    One nice lady that lived in the retirement home across the street told us a story about her friend who’s sister was BORN in the house when it was a hospital, apparently one of the first in West Seattle.

    I’ll never forget the rats, the creepy basement, the drafty rooms, the broken chimney, the mold filled sun room…I love that house.


  • Chet May 15, 2007 (8:06 am)

    I think the last time the lawn was mowed was when Will lived there. I would like to see this historical building saved and “rehabbed” but it is an eyesore for sure. In general, I wish people took better care of their property, cars etc .. neglect hurts property values and makes the neighborhood look like the hood. Plus it just opens the door for developers when they see over grown eyesores like this.. but I guess that is what a free country is all about. You have he right to neglect your property to an extent but you are a fool if you do.

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