“Open House,” sure, but “Grand Opening” for a mini-cluster of new $400K townhomes (Fauntleroy & Findlay)? Struck us funny, or maybe we’re just giddy from sunshine.

“Open House,” sure, but “Grand Opening” for a mini-cluster of new $400K townhomes (Fauntleroy & Findlay)? Struck us funny, or maybe we’re just giddy from sunshine.
Reality Check:
go to windermere.com and search for 3 bedroom homes for under $425,000. I find TWO detached homes west of 35th that meet that criteria. Neither of them look very appealing.
Oh, they’re probably completely lovely inside … hopefully the bedrooms are in back, away from the traffic noise … it’s just the phrase “grand opening,” seems more suited to a store than a townhouseplex. Noticed also (future post) there’s a townhouseplex-size hole in the ground a bit further along Fauntleroy toward Morgan, where there is a green vinyl sign on the fence reading simply “FINE.” … can’t wait to see the marketing campaign for that one! Perhaps brought to us by the folks behind “Verge”?
You know what are nice, those stupidly named NoMo townhomes. $$$, but really posh inside. If only they had a 2 car garage….
Fine is the name of the company – Fine Construction. I’m met Tom Fine (West Seattle resident), and he and his wife are supporters at Our Lady of Guadalupe. I think he got lucky with the last name, though.
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