Pet police

In case you didn’t hear this one yesterday … we found it on the city press-release page. Seems showing up at a park in ’07 with an unlicensed dog could earn you a fat fine.

8 Replies to "Pet police"

  • The House December 27, 2006 (8:50 am)

    Another way for the city to generate funds. $40 to license your dog??? $125 tickets?? More officers patrolling city parks looking for unlicensed dogs?? I wasn’t aware of this until I read it here, but THIS IS A HUGE JOKE! Spend my “already too high” tax money on something useful.

  • K December 27, 2006 (9:12 am)

    Thanks for the heads up on this one! $125 is something to “bark” about!

  • Bubba December 27, 2006 (2:26 pm)

    $20 for a spayed/neutered mutt

    From their website (locations)
    Southwest Neighborhood Service Center – 5405 Delridge Way SW –
    (206) 684-7417

    West Seattle Neighborhood Service Center – 4205 SW Alaska Street –
    (206) 684-7495

    # West Seattle Animal Hospital – 4714-42nd Avenue SW – (206) 932-3308

    # West Seattle Veterinary Hospital – 5261 California Avenue SW –
    (206) 923-3551

    Pet Care Center Veterinary Hospital – 2950 SW Avalon Way – (206) 935-3600

    Lien Animal Clinic – 3710 SW Alaska Street – (206) 932-1133

  • Lifer December 27, 2006 (3:37 pm)

    Having an animal entails certain responsibilities. $40 a year is not that much – $3.33 a month – and of course it’s 1/2 that cost if the animal is fixed.

    Right or wrong, I doubt you’ll see many/any police enforcing this.


  • Rebekah Schilperoort--West Seattle Herald December 27, 2006 (10:49 pm)

    This is a subject I’ll likely be covering soon. If anyone wants to talk with me about it please call me or email me., 206-412-4866.

  • Amy December 28, 2006 (11:32 am)

    Enforcing the licensing of dogs on Alki in the summertime, would likely bring about a decrease in the number of aggressive animals that you see down there. This could be a good thing.

  • K December 28, 2006 (3:39 pm)

    You can register them online too!

  • smike February 7, 2007 (1:02 pm)

    I’ve chosen to not license my animal due to my passive aggressive stance on the two tier pricing system for ‘fixed’ and ‘unfixed’ animals. While the decision is mine, I don’t think a yearly monetary penalty for that choice is a reasonable practice. Yes, I understand there is an unchecked puppy and kitten problem; but I also believe that RESPONSIBLE pet owners don’t contribute to that problem. The insinuation that an unfixed pet = an irresponsible pet owner is not an appropriate argument. I will gladly license my animal if the two tier pricing policy is done away with.

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