West Seattle, Washington
23 Thursday
OMG, this is just too rich.
But you know, it does reveal that somebody in Hizzoner’s office has become mighty PR-savvy. This is going to get one orca of a lot of attention, vastly more than yet another dry Power Point presentation.
(For the record, my favorite option, the “just-tear-it-down” option, would not go over with the “Committee to Save Big Ugly Things” any better than the money-hole tunnel. And another side note … don’t know who the guy in the video is, but he looks something like the actor who played Christopher Henderson in the just-concluded season of “24.)
If your West Seattle dwelling happens to be one of those older houses, as is mine, you may also be getting visits from the spring crop of spiders. (Ours favor the bathroom and can often be seen dropping from the ceiling on a single strand, like a mini-bungee jumper, then scampering back up when we get too close.) In support of my first annual plea to “let them be,” here’s a simple, non-arachnophobia-inducing local list of house-spider myths debunked.