FOUND CAT: Unchipped male, Arbor Heights – November 5, 2017 6:32 pm

Adult male, no chip (updated), found on 37th Avenue SW in Arbor Heights on 11-5. Black and gray tabby with white paws and white stripes down her neck and nose, her right ear has a slight nick on the top. Initially spotted on 11-4, multiple neighbors claimed they had seen the cat before. Very friendly and calm. Contact Alan @ (802)279-0420.

4 Replies to "FOUND CAT: Unchipped male, Arbor Heights"

  • waikikigirl November 6, 2017 (8:24 am)

    Just an FYI… if that is milk in the bowl dairy products are not good for cats… per my Vet.


    And you are a good person to take him in, in these cold days and nights we are having now! 

  • Patty neill November 7, 2017 (4:23 am)

    Thank you for taking care of this sweet baby & taking steps to try to find his owners ! I’m sharing to some Facebook lost & found groups in case someone there may recognize him


  • Kalani Thompson December 4, 2017 (4:27 pm)

    Do you have a Facebook page I could find you on I seriously think this is my cat. Does he have green/yellow eyes?

    • WSB December 4, 2017 (4:32 pm)

      Please contact the poster directly via the phone number provided – since it’s been a month I doubt they’re still checking this. Have they not answered?

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