NO TV on Friday

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    As a sign of resistance to the new administration it is being asked that people refrain from watching any TV on Friday. Go outside, have fun, play with your kids or read a book. Turn your back on the orange man.

    PS. For people who do not support this act of resistance, your remarks here will receive no response from me.



    i have already made a plan for the day that won’t include TV..
    and won’t include Mr Trump



    THIS is the advice I’m seeing; both of my TV’s will be on, and both will be tuned into anything that is not inauguration or Trump:

    There’s a lot of talk about people NOT watching the inauguration. The Grabber will be checking his ratings, and many may not know the way that the tv shows are rated.
    To keep his rating LOW, you must have your television turned ON, but NOT tuned into any channel showing ANY inauguration coverage. If you don’t turn your tv on, his ratings will show higher because of the percentage of sets tuned in. So set up all your televisions to the geographic channel or cooking channel! Anything that is not covering the inauguration, basically!
    – Television must be on, but NOT tuned into channels covering Trump.
    Please share this information! Copy and paste and spread the word.”



    I just saw the movie “Hidden Figures,” which was so inspiring. Then my mind came back to how far we will regress under the cheatin’ cheeto, who has no respect for science, intelligence (both kinds), women, or African-Americans. And I felt heartsick.



    How on earth are these things related?? What difference will it make to Trump, the inauguration, or any other part of this mess if I am watching TV in my home on Friday?
    Really, please explain because I’m missing how the impact will be felt.



    Unfortunately, not watching the inauguration or tuning your TV to another channel will only be effective if you’re a Nielsen family:



    thank you for the snopes link



    I am certainly going to watch some of the inauguration now that there are a bunch of ill-informed leftist crybabies demanding that I don’t. I boycotted the corrupt mainstream media a long time ago so I will probably watch it online through along with 60,000,000 other people who are proud to have Donal Trump as president.



    Why do people want “resistance?” Trump just promised: (a) a replacement healthcare plan will go into effect immediately upon the ACA ending and (b) the replacement plan will include universal coverage with lower deductibles. Let me say that again. Universal coverage.

    Somebody cook up some popcorn, because the show is about to start!



    Yeah, maybe but it won’t include reproductive rights, it won’t allow pre-existing conditions, your kids won’t be able to be on your plan after age 18 AND he is moving for Health Savings Accounts which means if you can save enough to pay for your care, YOU will pay for your own
    care. If you can’t save enough, well, you might just die.



    Even if the ratings thing is true, you have to be a Nielson family, at least you won’t be contaminated by the slime. Go have fun.



    birdrescuer. I’m thinking Amazon Prime…there are some amazing shows on there right now…Goliath, Sneaky Pete.

    Just a personal choice…oh, and an appt. with my cardiologist that day…you know…life as usual. I refuse to alter my life for him…



    Dear Skeeter. I do not trust him as far as I can throw him, and I have two chronic rotator cuff problems, and am disabled. Seeing is believing. Show mw a link to the exact plan, let me read it, and we can then discuss it. You, obviously , have nothing to lose. I, on the other hand, rely on Social Security and Medicare, at the age of 70, with a kidney transplant, and it’s cost for immune suppressing drugs (thousands a month, than god for Medicare), making me “disabled” permanently. HSA’s are being bandied about. That means…save up, and pay out of your pocket. Nope…that won’t happen for a lot of seniors. If I have my SS or Medicare cut, taken away, etc., I will most likely lose my housing, lose my kidney. It’s as simply as that.

    What he says are simply words and empty promises. Paul Ryan just the other day at his town hall, said “we’ll have a better plan”. It’s been widely known and reported that they have no plan. But lets speed up that process to get rid of what we have. Being without health insurance will only be temporary, we promise. F*^k that ! So…show us his plan..educate us, so that we can feel as good about him as you seem to :( You got nuthin’!



    didn’t he say Mexico would pay for the wall too?



    Thanks JanS. I don’t have a copy of the plan. Sorry! I don’t think the plan has been released yet.

    As for me having nothing to lose? I’m not so sure about that. I’m a taxpayer. And a worker. And a consumer of medical services and prescriptions. And a parent of a young child. And a child of aging parents. I may not be sick right now but would argue I am pretty invested in the success of our healthcare system.

    That being said — is it appropriate to trust Trump? I’ll let everyone decide that for themselves. I thought Mrs. Clinton was a better candidate so I voted for her. But that is in the past.

    Do I support Mr. Trump’s promise of universal medical coverage? Yes I do. I think everyone should have medical coverage – so Mr. Trump and I share in that goal. I did not think the ACA went far enough to insure that every American had medical coverage. The ACA insured a lot of Americans – I think around 20 million more. But that’s not enough. We need insurance for everyone regardless of age, employment, income, etc.

    Obviously the devil is in the details. So lets not celebrate yet.



    That’s a good point JoB. Time will tell if we are dealing with an honest man or a trickster.



    and therein lies my problem…I don’t trust him. I don’t think he’s honest. And I don’t think he has a plan that will cost this country, and those insured, less. Yes, time will tell. I certainly hope that he and , more importantly, Mr. Ryan and Mr. McConnell, do not repeal until they have their “plan” drawn up, on paper, approved, and ready to go immediately upon repeal. Buyers beware, though. I haven’t got a clue what they actually are going to do with Medicare and SS. And that can be very scary. “We’ll have a better plan” does not work for me. Those are words only. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.

    And yes, I think that they need to have their healthcare removed, and they should have to get theirs through the same plan we do. Spoiled children, they are.



    I’m opting to make Friday “Ignoruation Day.” I will ignore the inauguration of this ignoramus. A man who lies, cheats, spits in the face of science…need I go on?




    Hillary invites the Father of the Orlando Nightclub massacre to attend one of her speeches shortly after his son murders 49. The same man that proudly admits that he is a member of the Taliban party and was at that time running for President of that sick, murderous party that executes gays and MANY, MANY, MANY others and NOT ONE Liberal Democrat skipped that speech or didn’t tune in to watch it on TV . No…
    Thank you Liberals for peeling back the Liberal Onion to reveal the Politically correct Hatred brewing inside each one of you. It is becoming more and more difficult to disguise all that hatred as “Love”.



    Oh Yeah, Good News about another Liberal business opportunity.
    I just read that their are many Liberal groups paying people to show up and start fights at the inauguration. WOW .. Just where the Liberal ” Love train ” left off.
    I wonder if it is the same people that paid the Liberal Love Children to show up at Trump rallies and pick fights in front of the news cameras and then blame it on Trump supporters ?
    The problem is that they want Liberals with experience so you will have to present a resume showing that you have experience in Burning cars. Breaking windows. beating up elderly and female Trump supporters. You know… The Basics !
    That should be easy ?



    I remember when health insurance was cheap enough for nearly everyone to afford. In the early 80’s, I think I was paying somewhere around $20 per month. At that time, you could buy coverage from hundreds of different insurance companies around the U.S. …Then the corruption started to happen. Insurance companies lobbied government to eliminate competition. Prices climbed as choices fell. Insurance execs started making enormous salaries. By the end of the 90’s my personal health insurance cost went up almost ten-fold. Then came the mergers and consolidations that lead to astronomical costs and finally the massive unsustainable government debacle we have now.

    I don’t get why people can’t understand what Trump has been saying for so long. We have to trim the fat. –Allow competition, and the massive profits will go away automatically. There is always someone willing to provide a service a little cheaper, faster, or better than someone else if you let them. It’s really just that simple but nobody in the mainstream media wants to say it because that would be admitting that free-market capitalism works better than socialism. If I was able to buy insurance from a company in Georgia forty years ago via telephone and snail mail, don’t you think it would be a lot more efficient with today’s technology?





    thanks, Mike…not that the person above would consider that valid…some people are so willing to believe anything to feed their hatred :( I saw someone post today about “fake news”, and how we should stop using that term and call it what it really is…lies…

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