Information on adopting a dog

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    west Seattle couple with 9 yo looking to adopt adult dog. We have a small house with a large fully fenced yard. This will be our 1st dog so we are hoping to find one with minimal behavior issues and who is house trained. If anyone has any information/ suggestions or recommendations regarding dog adoptions please respond.



    Any of the local shelters: Seattle Animal Control, The Bellevue/King Co. Humane Society, Regional Animal Services of King Co., would be great places to start. Old Dog Haven has lots of nice, old dogs too. Good luck and thanks for giving a dog another chance at life



    Agree Old dog haven is an excellent choice. Most dogs are trained and laid back, just have some age. I know people who foster for them and they are all house trained and basic training. This does NOT mean they are all sick.


    Again all LEGIT local shelters are great.

    Good luck in your search hope you find a new family member soon.




    KK50, welcome and thank you for making such a thoughtful choice. The world needs a lot more like you! Mehud & Hammerhead are our local rescue heroes, so there’s nothing I can add to their suggestions. Best wishes.




    It sounds as though you want a dog that will fit into your family.

    spend the day at the local animal shelter and take any dog that interests your child into the play area and spend time with them.

    it won’t take long to discover whether they are a good match.

    It will help if you ask to be taught basic commands by the shelter staff so you can evaluate how responsive any dogs you take into the play yard will be to you and to your child …

    and will establish with your child the need for ongoing training as part of play…

    I found the love of my life that way.. and would have passed her by if it hadn’t been for a shelter worker who listened to me and suggested i take her into the yard before i left empty handed.,

    I would also suggest that you take any new pet to the vet as early in your trial period as possible and ask for a thorough evaluation and either have them groomed at the vet or at a local groomer.

    That will establish a relationship for you with local providers and give you a much better idea of any health or behavioral concerns you might face…

    Good luck with your search. I personally believe that teaching a child to care responsibly for a four legged friend is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give a child.

    and has unexpected benefits for you as well.



    Just saw on King5 that the animal shelter in Woodinville is celebrating their 23rd anniversary with reduced fee adoptions today, all pet adoptions are $23. Good luck finding your four legged pal!



    Thank you for the wonderful tips and suggestions. the information on how to interact at the shelter was particularly helpful. Great information on getting started.



    Thank you for the wonderful tips and suggestions. the information on how to interact at the shelter was particularly helpful. Great information on getting started.



    Thank you for the wonderful tips and suggestions. the information on how to interact at the shelter was particularly helpful. Great information on getting started.


    I volunteer at the Seattle Humane Society in Bellevue/Factoria. Volunteers work with the dogs every day on their behaviors and dog behavior classes are included in adoptions.

    My main suggestion would be to allow plenty of time. Even if you don’t find the right match the first few times you look, the dogs that are available are changing all the time.


    The Velvet Bulldog

    Hi KK: Also be sure to check out the Animal Aid and Rescue Foundation (AARF) at

    We’re currently fostering a dog for them (who has anxiety issues, so probably not a great fit for you if you’re looking for a calmer canine!) I can attest to how great the people working for the organization are and how much care they put into taking care of dogs and matching them with the right homes.

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