Dog attack on 48th between Findlay and Juneau

Home Forums Open Discussion Dog attack on 48th between Findlay and Juneau

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    I was attacked and bitten by a dog on 48th Ave between Findlay and Juneau on Monday (July 10) morning about 6:30am. The dog looked similar to an Australian Shepard, with tan and white coloring. I realize rabies is rare around here, but the dog came out of nowhere, was very aggressive and there was no owner in site. I really want to find the owner to determine whether the dog has rabies. Because of health reasons I don’t want to have to get the rabies vaccine if I don’t need to. However rabies is fatal to humans, so I would like to know of I need to get it.

    Please, if you are the owner of this dog or know of the dog, please contact me.

    Thank you,


    karl j

    If the dog broke skin you should go get antibiotics.



    Sorry this happened to you. Once again, it sounds like an irresponsible dog owner, unless the dog escaped. You’ll probably need a tetanus shot, too, if you haven’t had one in a few years. And let’s hope the owner is found, so you won’t need the rabies vaccine.

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