Cars and phones

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    Here’s what I keep wondering when I see someone talking on the phone, in their hand, while driving.

    Do they disagree with the law?
    Do they agree with the law but don’t think it applies to them?

    If you drive and talk on a hand held phone, would you be willing to share why you think it’s ok in spite of all the accident statistics? I’m not being snarky, I really am curious.



    When im driving this makes me so mad also when i see this. Solution- first chance i honk and huck my beer can at them!…
    Just kidding, my horn doesnt work…



    I think it’s “entitled” behavior in line with lane cutting, bus lane cheating, HOV lane cheating, street racing, 4 lane changing, finger flipping, beer can tossing (yes, it happened a few days ago to me on the High Span; classy move dude), cigarette butt tossing, bus cutting, (early) red light running, crosswalk running, and last but not least, drunk or baked driving.



    aa, no one will ever provide you with a rational answer to your question, because there isn’t one. They will sit in smug, superior silence as they are above having to justify their behavior to mere mortals.

    However, if one of these god-like beings does happen to look up from their phone just in time to notice that an obstacle (such as a vehicle, pedestrian in a crosswalk, child, dog or telephone pole) has magically appeared in the street in front of them, they will waste NO time in informing them of their incredibly rash and insensitive behavior by honking, screaming obscenities, and possibly posting on the WSB regarding the chronic disrespect of their inalienable right to be a d!ckwad.

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