Any Wagers – The Backup Data

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    a few years back the State added some temporary taxes that are to expire soon. i would bet the State politicians will renege on the keeping the word temporary as true and let the taxes expire as promised.

    kgdlg and miws – the link you requested. now are you going to contact our legislature to tell them to honor the temporary in TEMPORARY so that the taxes expire as promised on July 1, 2013?

    Services B&O Tax Increase, Higher Cigarette Tax Expected to Start …

    Apr 20, 2010 – 2ESSB 6143 temporarily increases the business and occupation tax rate on … affecting out-of -state companies doing business in Washington.

    Services B&O Tax Increase, Higher Cigarette Tax Expected to Start May 1; Other Tax Changes to Follow

    OLYMPIA – April 20, 2010 – Several tax changes will take effect as early as May 1, assuming Governor Chris Gregoire signs into law a tax package sent to her by the Legislature.

    2ESSB 6143 temporarily increases the business and occupation tax rate on services beginning May 1. Another bill, ESHB 2493, increases cigarette and most other tobacco taxes May 1.

    The legislation also extends the sales tax to candy and bottled water beginning June 1, increases the beer tax starting June 1, and imposes a carbonated beverage tax effective July 1. All the tax changes expire on July 1, 2013, except the ones on candy and tobacco products.

    While the tax changes are contingent on the governor’s action, the Department of Revenue is notifying businesses ahead of time so they can prepare for them. Detailed information on each tax measure is being posted here.

    The service tax increase to 1.8 percent of gross income from 1.5 percent affects all service businesses except hospitals and scientific research and development activities. The “services and other business activities” classification includes businesses such as attorneys, architects, engineers, physicians and private investigators.

    The measure includes a permanent doubling to $70 a month of the small business B&O tax credit that will allow services to gross up to about $80,000 annually without incurring any additional B&O tax liability, and in some cases paying lower taxes. About 74,000 service businesses out of a total of 137,000 companies will benefit from the increase in the credit.

    2ESSB 6143 also temporarily suspends a sales tax exemption affecting livestock nutrient management, repeals a property management salary exemption, limits the bad debt deduction on retail sales, requires corporate boards of directors to pay tax on their fees, directs the Department to deny abusive tax avoidance schemes, addresses several court decisions affecting taxation, and sets minimum nexus standards affecting out-of -state companies doing business in Washington. More information on the legislation is available at



    kgdlg and miws – the link you requested. now are you going to contact our legislature to tell them to honor the temporary in TEMPORARY so that the taxes expire as promised on July 1, 2013?

    Geez. You ask that as if we agreed to write our legislator if you provided the link….




    Mike – you asked i provide the back up data which i did. i personally hope that the legislatures are honorable and let the taxes expire on July 1, 2013 as promised!



    its amazing how quiet you have been since the hoop provided the back up information.




    that silence is more likely to be a lack of interest than the reaction to your smack-down..

    if you can consider clarifying your post and listing the taxes you are concerned with a smack-down.


    a link is just that.. a link

    not an edited list culled from ??????



    the Services B&O Tax Increase is the one that has adversely affected people i know. i know some large firms that laid people off in part due to this increase.



    Hi Jo!




    the point is are the legislatures going to honor the fact they said they would be TEMPORARY taxes or are they going to be dishonorable. my bet is that they will be dishonorable



    my bet is that this is a subject that is more complex than the honorable/dishonorable label



    the point is trust; if people could trust that TEMPORARY is what it says then things would go a lot smoother.

    i still remember when the Stadium got paid off and politicians quickly wanted to extend the taxes for another use; the public was outraged and they got the message. i hope they remember that message. TRUST is hard to earn and easily lost.



    the Services B&O Tax Increase is the one that has adversely affected people i know. i know some large firms that laid people off in part due to this increase.

    i don’t believe you.

    listen, the hoop, if legislators see a need to keep the tax, they’ll write legislation to extend it past its initial sunset provision, and if governor inslee thinks its necessary, he’ll sign it into law. it’s called revenue generation through taxation.

    if you don’t like it, vote them out. or move to a more “business-friendly” and worker-hostile state.

    furthermore, from your 26-month-old link above, the soda and candy tax failed.



    the soda tax would not have failed if it had been limited to pop only; in my humble opinion.




    nope.. it would have failed

    for the same reason that so many other sin taxes fail

    people don’t like to be told they will have to pay more for what someone else sees as a bad habit



    the hoop:

    wtf?? so candy is okay, but soda is a sin?

    methinks someone has a taste for sugar daddys, chick-o-sticks, and clark bars…

    but he’s not doin’ the dew.



    redblack no candy is not a greet thing health wise either. i was just stating that the legislature included too many items in their zest to raise money. better to get 50 cents of the dollar than nothing sometimes.

    my weakness is an occasional ice cream; mostly frozen yogurt

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