Reply To: Seattle Bicyclist



I’m with AJP on this one.

Look, all cyclists want is to not be hit by cars. Often, in my experience, when I have a close call with or have been hit by a driver I’m riding exactly where I’m supposed to be, as far as the law is concerned, and doing all of the things that I’m supposed to.

Yes, I’ve run lights. I’ve run stop signs. I’ve ridden on the sidewalk if it’s more convenient or right in the lane, like under the viaduct. Many drivers simply don’t like cyclists and it’s that simple, either because we zip right by to the front of the queue, exercise the rights that we do have, such as taking up space on the road, or because we violate traffic laws.

As for attitudes; cyclists tend to be assertive about where they can go, even aggressive, because their a bit wound up. Road riding requires your full attention and, because of angry drivers, is rather dangerous. I won’t excuse rude cyclists but there are simply more rude drivers. Rude, angry, aggressive, ragey drivers.

The other point that AJP makes is right on the money. Drivers of cars don’t get cited when they hit bikes. Even when it’s egregious. Cops hate cyclists too, so you’re in good company. If they didn’t they’d cite more drivers. I did see one ragey driver get pulled over. It was right after a BMW cut me off with a left turn on 4th. A cop saw it and pulled him over. I’ve never seen a cop pull over a driver for cutting off a cyclist.