FREE Safety Workshop at the Delridge Library

August 30, 2017 @ 3:30 pm
5423 Delridge Way SW
Seattle, WA 98106

North Delridge Community Safety Events at the Delridge Library:

Join Seattle Neighborhood Group for these community safety events coming up in your neighborhood during the month of August. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY WITH NEIGHBORS – a connected community is a safe community!

Aug 24– A FREE safety workshop at the Delridge Library meeting room at 3:00 p.m. SNG will present information about how to protect yourself and your property from crime. Everyone is welcome!

Aug 30– Keeping your Property Safe and Crime Free workshop in the Delridge Library meeting room 3:30-5:00 p.m. This is a FREE workshop designed for property managers, landlords, and anyone else that is interested in building safer communities. We’ll discuss how to identify and prevent illegal activities at your property, tips for effective Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), how to create excellent rental agreements, and how to work with residents to make your property a great place to live!
Contact for more information.

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