West Seattle low-tide sights, up close and personal

We’ve been tracking the holiday-weekend low tides – very low today, and the next two days it’ll be lower still (per this tide chart, -3.6 at 12:07 pm tomorrow and the same at 12:53 pm Tuesday). We’ve received three close-up photos of tidal sights today – the first and second are from Minette (who also shared her baby-owl gallery following last night’s Lincoln Park owl-photo post) – and she shared info too:

The (first) one … is an image of a “Red octopus” (Octopus rubescens). This octopus is frequently found at our local beaches and people are always very happy to see it. However, it is venomous (for real!) and can deliver a nasty bite, so be careful out there, all you curious folks. The (next) one … is a sea slug (also called a nudibranch). This particular one is the Opalescent nudibranch (Hermissenda crassicornis). It can be found in great numbers at our local beaches and at all times of the year, but people rarely notice it because it’s so small.

We’ve also received photos from Rick – two views of a sun star: First, full body —

Next, close up:

Thanks again to everyone who sends photos to share — editor@westseattleblog.com any time (and if you have a sec, consider programming that into your cell-phone contact list in case you happen onto an interesting sight sometime and want to send it from your cameraphone fast).

6 Replies to "West Seattle low-tide sights, up close and personal"

  • p May 24, 2009 (9:59 pm)

    Those pictures are WAY COOL!

  • Bonnie May 24, 2009 (10:03 pm)

    Love the pictures! As soon as my kids stop screwing around with my camera I’m getting a brand new digital camera.

  • fun May 24, 2009 (10:50 pm)

    Fantastic shots – what a gift to see these beautiful creatures. I have lived here my whole life, with lots of time on Hood Canal, and have never seen a sea star like that one!

  • Jeannie May 25, 2009 (12:35 am)

    “Nudibranch” is a lot more appealing name than “sea slug.” But no matter what you call ’em, they are a sight to behold!

  • Eilene Hutchinson May 25, 2009 (11:07 am)

    Lovely photos, we really enjoyed them. Went back to your Flickr link and found whole sets of your earlier tide pool photos, at http://www.flickr.com/photos/minette_layne/collections/72157594587022337/ . Wonderful photos!

    David and Eilene

  • Sydney May 25, 2009 (5:38 pm)

    We also saw a great variety of colorful sea stars, an orange sea cucumber, and a colony of sand dollars at Magnolia Beach on Vashon. Not to mention a number of old/lost buoy ties and broken wood pilings from who knows how many decades ago.What a great low tide!

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