West Seattle Green Space Coalition meeting re: surplus substations

January 12, 2014 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Delridge Library
5423 Delridge Way Southwest
Seattle, WA 98106

If you’re interested in the community coalition that’s asking the city to slow down with its project to decide within months what to do with former substations that have sat idle for decades, this Sunday is your next chance. The West Seattle Green Space Coalition will meet at 3 pm Sunday (January 12th) at Delridge Branch Library (5423 Delridge Way SW). Last weekend, the coalition raised concerns about tree-cutting and other work under way at some of the sites even before Seattle City Light has taken its suggestions to the City Council. The sites are listed here. A few days after this Sunday’s meeting, WSGSC will be talking with the utility, so if you have any comments to share and can’t make it Sunday, e-mail co-chair Mary Fleck at maryfleckws@gmail.com.

The West Seattle Green Space Coalition is a group of concerned West Seattle residents and activists who are working to find best solutions for the surplus substations in order to benefit each community and the city of Seattle at large. We aspire to something more for the City than merely selling these assets for cash. Seattle deserves the best.

We have asked Seattle City Light and the Seattle City Council to halt any action to dispose of the properties until neighborhood groups have an opportunity to work toward the best solutions. In October, we submitted a petition with over 600 signatures, mostly of neighbors in West Seattle. I am one of the co-chairs (I also serve as President of Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council) along with Elaine Ike (Admiral
neighborhood), Tod Rodman (Morgan neighborhood), Karen Lyons (botanist/Junction neighborhood) and Mike Dady (Delridge neighborhood). Southwest District Council and North Delridge Neighborhood Association are supporting our efforts.

We urge you to meet with us and join in. Our meetings are open to the public and typically announced on WSB. Our next meetings are: Sunday, January 12 at 3:00 pm at the Delridge public library and Sunday, January 26 at 3:00 at the West Seattle (Admiral) public library. We are currently looking for a volunteer to assist with creating a website. Anyone able to help?

On Wednesday, January 15th we will be meeting with representatives of Seattle City Light. If you have comments which you would like to forward, please post here, or you may call me at 206-937-3321 or you may email me atmaryfleckws@gmail.com. Thanks for your interest.

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