Video: The rest of the Blue Angels arrive for Seafair 2011

(Top photo by Ilona Berzups, added 3:06 pm; WSB video below, added 11:23 am)

11:15 AM: The unmistakable roar you might have heard was indeed that of the Blue Angels, who are now all here for Seafair 2011 – just landed, right on schedule. We’re at Boeing Field and will add visuals shortly.

ADDED 11:23 AM: Our video of the Boeing Field flyby is up – we’re just south of the tower, along East Marginal Way, one of the places to watch them take off (and land) if you can’t make it to the Museum of Flight – which for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday is THE place to be. Here are some of the gotta-see-it people who came to watch the arrival:

(WSB photo above, added 11:48 am; photo below by David DeSiga, added 3:11 pm)

ADDED 11:48 AM: Half an hour after the rest of the team, Fat Albert – the Blue Angels’ beloved support plane – just arrived. The official Blue Angels shows are Friday-Sunday (Friday, you can get to the shores of Lake Washington by the hydro pits to watch for free; Saturday-Sunday, admission is charged) but you’ll also see them practicing Thursday, and more ridealongs tomorrow. When they’re not in the air, you can see them parked on the south side of the Museum of Flight (which offers special activities/hours for Blue Angels Week this time each year).

6 Replies to "Video: The rest of the Blue Angels arrive for Seafair 2011"

  • WSgirl August 2, 2011 (11:29 am)

    YAY!!!! So excited to see them flying around this weekend. Favorite time of summer for me!!!

  • neighbor August 2, 2011 (11:41 am)

    What are these Blue Angels you speak of? Never heard of them. ;-)

  • mike willard August 2, 2011 (12:15 pm)

    HI it’s MIke!

    welcome Home to Seattle Blue Angels! the weather

    looks good for this week and weekend shows! injoy

    your stay in Seattle I will be at Seafair Friday

    and Saturday and Sunday see you there! time to

    Rock Seattle!

  • mike willard August 2, 2011 (12:58 pm)

    One More thing I will be at the Hydro Pits Friday Saturday and Sunday stop in and say HI! I
    will be with Steve david and His pit Crew Oh Boy Oberto! see you then!

  • MB August 2, 2011 (1:28 pm)

    Woot! I LOVE the Blue Angels! I got chills when they rocked the coffee shop I was at near the lake this morning! Other patrons moaned and grunted (Blue Angels arrival represents the takeover of their neighborhood)…but I felt like a giddy kid all over again…happens every year ;)

  • bridge to somewhere August 2, 2011 (1:45 pm)

    Hi Mike! :-)

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