HOLIDAY GIVING: Special shopping spree in West Seattle

A double-take this morning for some Westwood Village Target shoppers, as the store entrance filled with uniformed police around 9 am. No need to worry, they explained – Southwest Precinct police were there for one of the company’s annual Shop With a Cop events.

~20 West Seattle and South Park students were chosen for the program, with the help of local nonprofits, who also had volunteers there to help.

Target donated gift cards and there was one prerequisite – along with choosing items, kids were asked to include a present for a family member or friend.

2 Replies to "HOLIDAY GIVING: Special shopping spree in West Seattle"

  • justme December 18, 2017 (11:53 am)

    Ha! Very cool! I wish more kids could have been chosen for this.

  • momof3boys December 18, 2017 (11:54 am)

    Way to go Target and SPD. Just thinking how nice it is that these kids get a positive interaction with cops. So often we only interact in times of crisis. 

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