Survey updates: WSTC ‘Move Seattle’ results; ST3 nudge

Two quick notes about transportation surveys:

WEST SEATTLE TRANPORTATION COALITION ‘MOVE SEATTLE’ SURVEY RESULTS: WSTC has just announced the results of its latest survey, asking people’s thoughts about the city’s “Move Seattle” transportation levy that’s headed for the November ballot. WSTC says it received 476 responses – see the results, pie charts and all, by going here.

LIGHT RAIL TO WEST SEATTLE? OR? SOUND TRANSIT 3 SURVEY NUDGE: As mentioned here again last Wednesday, time is running out for the Sound Transit survey that represents your best chance right now to let ST know you want light rail to West Seattle – or, if you don’t, to otherwise express what you’d like to see on the Sound Transit 3 ballot measure next year. Go here, ASAP, because ST says the poll ends in two days.

3 Replies to "Survey updates: WSTC 'Move Seattle' results; ST3 nudge"

  • challenges July 6, 2015 (6:01 pm)

    I’ve decided to vote no on the rail until we get a description of where this theoretical line will go through in West Seattle. Which arterial or greenbelt is going to get nailed with eminent domain and be destroyec? Until I know that in excrutiating detail, I have to say the prudent path is to upgrade the Rapid Ride with the original timed lights and dedicated lanes.

    Until we know where this WS line is proposed, then no. Where? Who is going to be pushed out of their homes, businesses or greenbelt camps?

    Anybody going to admit to that?

  • wakeflood July 7, 2015 (12:28 pm)

    Challenges, I get the concern you describe but let me add a thought for you to consider?

    Final alignments take many months of research, deliberation and discussion, both with the community and the potentially affected parties. Changes in the initial preferred alignment can happen for a number of reasons as data and preferences become known. Which is to say that you won’t know with 100% certainty what the actual alignment will be at the time of the vote. A broad preferred alignment today is just that. It’s not a final anything. And that’s just the reality of these types of projects. That’s not going to change.

    If you think you know a good alignment, I urge you to submit that to ST and fight for it at the many points along the way you’ll have to provide input.

    And since you already suggested that someone’s not going to be happy, I respectfully urge you to keep that thought present and vote “yes” so that even if your preference doesn’t end up being the one chosen, that you help all of us here in WS move forward with a sorely needed piece of infrastructure.

    Some times you get what you need, not what you want? :-)

  • challenges July 7, 2015 (8:47 pm)

    I think I’d prefer the initial improvements on RR first being implemented. That’s my suggestion.

    There is no good stretch on the peninsula.

    Look down toward #509 or 1st Ave. Less expensive and more realistic, shorter time frame.

    I don’t think there is any good location on the peninsula. I am not ready to do to Delridge what was done to Rainier Valley with the rail there.
    I am not gonna’ be a part of ghettoizing Delridge more than it is. Let’s be honest and realistic. The needed housing for homeless and low income is going to land in the West Duwamish Greenbelt and the rail is going to land on Delridge.

    You all go ahead and cook your karma in that. I choose not to.

    The #120 RR was taken away from Delridge. That was a rotten play and I am not going to play rotten.

    Shame on this city and what it has become.

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