West Seattle weekend scene: Washington Green Schools @ WSHS

The showers that moved through earlier didn’t stop some of the hard-working volunteers on the West Seattle High School campus for a morning of special attention from volunteers with Washington Green Schools. WSHS was chosen as a location for volunteer help on a statewide day of service, with visitors “including highly skilled gardeners and carpenters” and donated materials including chips and lumber, according to the announcement we received. Along with WSHS volunteers, the WGS visitors worked on planting areas around the campus. Our photo is from the sign fronting California SW, a site that will be part of the Steps at Stevens project.

1 Reply to "West Seattle weekend scene: Washington Green Schools @ WSHS"

  • Cathy jaramillo October 11, 2014 (5:34 pm)

    It’s great to see that the community cares about their local high school. Cleaning up the area, opening up the overgrown vegetation will help the viability of the school and make it safer for both the students and the drivers in the area.
    Kudos to those students who show they care..sometimes more than the school administration itself about the safety of their students.

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