4th of July scene: West Seattle Hi-Yu float in Burien parade

(Click picture for larger view)
Thanks to Jim Edwards for our first look at this year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu float, participating in this year’s Burien 4th of July Parade this afternoon. As seen in our earlier coverage, Hi-Yu Junior Court members were in today’s West Seattle 4th of July Kids’ Parade, minus float, but you’ll be able to see the float and both Senior/Junior Court royalty (and volunteers!) two weeks from tomorrow in the West Seattle Grand Parade (for which Jim is longtime co-coordinator) – 11 am Saturday, July 19th, with an easy-to-remember route – California SW between Lander (north side of Hiawatha) and Edmunds (south end of The Junction).

1 Reply to "4th of July scene: West Seattle Hi-Yu float in Burien parade"

  • Dana Keller July 5, 2014 (12:01 am)

    Just want to send a shout out to my brother and sis-in-law, Tim and Carol Winston who, for the past few years kept Hi-Yu alive and kicking. Without them, the tradition likely would have died and I know how much they personally invested in keeping it going…a much loved tradition for native West Seattleites…

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