POST-PARADE: Tracking the trip back to West Seattle

Now that the parade is over, we’re tracking the trip home.


We are continuing to monitor emergency communications – and hearing that downtown traffic is clearly still a challenge, to say the least.

2:37 PM: Tim just e-mailed to say, “Line to get on Water Taxi at Pier 50 stretches a block and a half down Alaskan Way.” (added) Cheryl‘s photo of the line at the dock:

(Firsthand reports on Water Taxi and buses appreciated in the next few hours – text 206-293-6302, e-mail – thanks!)

2:52 PM: From Luckie in comments, “If you’re taking the C from downtown to West Seattle, the further north you can catch it on 3rd, the better.”

3:25 PM: The CLink rally has just ended, which means tens of thousands more people joining the commute, which WSDOT describes as looking right now like it usually does at 5. (Minutes later) Metro says it’s canceled most parade reroutes, but: “Expect delays.”

3:40 PM: If you used Sound Transit light rail to get into downtown, ST just tweeted this: “If heading south on Link, Stadium Station your best bet for shortest waits, will still be crowds. Major backups in (downtown transit tunnel).”

4:15 PM: Catching RapidRide as far north as you can is the latest advice in comments. No massive problems reported on the roads; southbound Viaduct doesn’t look too horrible – here’s a camera:

4:37 PM: Update from Pier 50 – the Water Taxi is back to one boat and major waiting – you might want to try a bus home instead.

5:14 PM: I-5 southbound might be problematic – there’s a crash at mid-Boeing Field and that could mean domino effects getting out of downtown.

43 Replies to "POST-PARADE: Tracking the trip back to West Seattle"

  • WS commuter February 5, 2014 (2:20 pm)

    1:30 & 2 pm water taxi filled to capacity.

  • JeffK February 5, 2014 (2:35 pm)

    This afternoon’s commute:

  • JayDee February 5, 2014 (2:49 pm)

    Better to bail now or later? People still in CLINK at 2:45…

  • sam-c February 5, 2014 (2:49 pm)

    maybe giving up on the idea of the water taxi and getting passed by 4 buses was the best thing that happened to us. lucked out with a spot downtown on 1st ave. got to the car after the parade and made it back to WS in 15 minutes. maybe for once, driving was better than transit or biking. hard to believe. good luck.

    sea- hawks!!

  • Luckie February 5, 2014 (2:52 pm)

    If you’re taking the C from downtown to Wst Seattle, the further north you can catch it on 3rd, the better. We had no problem getting on in Belltown, but it got very crowded as we went south.

  • K February 5, 2014 (2:56 pm)

    JayDee — the parade just got to the Clink at 2:00. I expect them to be there awhile. I’m waiting a bit for parade traffic to clear but get out before the rally at Clink is over

  • cindi barker February 5, 2014 (3:08 pm)

    Am waiting for 21 at 4th and holgate. 1p busses have gone by in various directions that say out of service. Anyone knows why they are running empty busses?

  • SWTexan39 February 5, 2014 (3:18 pm)

    I left work in Pioneer Square to head for the water taxi… turned around and came back to work when I saw the line.

  • birdgeek February 5, 2014 (3:22 pm)

    If you’re willing & able: it’s an hour and a half walk from the Seattle waterfront back to the Alaska Junction. Sometimes it’s the better option… good luck out there!!

  • Thomas February 5, 2014 (3:37 pm)

    Cindi, they’re staging buses to run extra trips on routes

  • West Seattle Since 1979 February 5, 2014 (3:37 pm)

    The Water Taxi line looks a little better now–it’s only spilling about 1/8 of a block or so (maybe about 15 people) onto Alaska Way.

  • lisa February 5, 2014 (3:38 pm)

    Does anyone know whether the water taxi is operating the way it did this AM, which was that they had 2 boats on and just went back and forth as fast as they could w/ 300 people on each boat.


    That was clearly the best solution this AM and I hope its one they can use this afternoon/evening as well.

    Thanks for any info!

  • Thomas February 5, 2014 (3:39 pm)

    At the Macy’s stops, 120s are almost full and C lines are at capacity, not taking passengers.
    That’s only stop #2 for the 120. This will get interesting

  • dq February 5, 2014 (3:45 pm)

    Got to Water Taxi line at 2:37. Just boarded. And they have been running 2 boats. Glad to be warm!

  • Raincity February 5, 2014 (4:00 pm)

    Any new reports for c line downtown?

  • Anonymous February 5, 2014 (4:02 pm)

    Reaaaaally not looking forward to my commute back to W.Seattle from Bellevue today at 5:00…
    Any ideas on how traffic is looking so far?

  • JayDee February 5, 2014 (4:07 pm)

    The Belltown gamble paid off walk north to Blanchard get on the C. We are slowly filling to the brim at pine. Got a seat!

  • Sue February 5, 2014 (4:20 pm)

    On 116 bus from downtown that left around 4 from 3rd/Seneca. Taking a little longer to get through SODO, but no major delays and seats available. Lines to get into King Street Station look to be 2-3 blocks long at every entrance.

  • Kay February 5, 2014 (4:22 pm)

    How are the water taxi bus shuttles? Are there enough seats to get to either junction?

  • mrs_jonesb February 5, 2014 (4:27 pm)

    My husband and I drove down to and parked at 4th around Spokane at 12:30. Took my bmx bike, and his long board. Traveled to the area by the CLINK, by Jones Soda. Stuck around for the cheers of the crowd as the parade made their way in, and left to get back to the car, at around 3pm. Drove down to Michigan St. and 509hwy, and got home to Roxbury at 3:25! Yippeee! We were a part of something huge today Seattle! Hopefully everyone gets home safely! That was a blast!

  • pagefive February 5, 2014 (4:27 pm)

    Left work at 1:20. Between water taxi, shuttle, and packed C line, took me 2 hours to get home – near Morgan Junction.

  • Jeff Schumacher February 5, 2014 (4:38 pm)

    Got on the 21 local at 3rd and Seneca (which is a VERY crowded stop) at 2:40, and just got home in Gatewood at 4:20. It’s very slow moving out there until you hit the West Seattle Bridge.

  • 56 February 5, 2014 (4:48 pm)

    430ish 56 was a bit late but plenty of seats. The c line I saw around the same time was standing room only and turned folks away. Traffic backed up getting to the bridge.

  • Ann February 5, 2014 (4:52 pm)

    C lines running. Got on a Columbia and it was not bad at all. Waited about 10 and actually got a seat

  • kate February 5, 2014 (4:52 pm)

    On a half full 55. Some blockage at the 3rd & Pike stop but otherwise not that bad. Multiple C lines on their way in 10 mintes or so. Good luck everyone!

  • JennyL February 5, 2014 (4:59 pm)

    Caught the 21x from downtown at about 4:35. Had been waiting 15 min or so. Frustrating to see the schedule display that buses had come & gone during that wait, when in fact none appeared.

  • TM February 5, 2014 (5:09 pm)

    On the 50 heading West; only about half full but I heard several of the later buses are running pretty far behind schedule.

  • Nw mama February 5, 2014 (5:27 pm)

    Serious thanks to the water taxi crew. They showcased some serious flexability

  • Raincity February 5, 2014 (5:33 pm)

    Got a C at Blanchard and got a seat. Back in junction in 30 min

  • Jen February 5, 2014 (5:40 pm)

    How are lines for the Water Taxi? How are lines for the C at 2nd and Columbia? Updates would be greatly appreciated.

  • Babs February 5, 2014 (5:43 pm)

    I bagged the idea of getting a bus. Took me two hours to walk from Century Link to the Alaska junction. Got my workout out of the way too!

  • WS born&bred February 5, 2014 (5:44 pm)

    So far my regular 5pm commute thru downtown is lighter rather than worse than normal. Would have loved to attend the parade though. Go Hawks!

  • CeeBee February 5, 2014 (6:05 pm)

    got a nice walk home, it’s wonderful how the Chelan Café is RIGHT THERE for dinner after a long walk, and by 5:30, the buses had a little bit of space for the ride the rest of the way home. What a great day!

  • Maris February 5, 2014 (6:07 pm)

    As previously noted, driving was easy. 15-20 minutes each way and found plenty of parking on Western around 10:30am.

  • Admiral Janeway February 5, 2014 (6:11 pm)

    My bus arrived 5-10 minutes late, but downtown congestion was lighter than normal at 5:30.
    I had to work, but there was great energy from today’s event. A great day for the Puget Sound region.

  • miws February 5, 2014 (6:30 pm)

    CeeBee, that just reminded me of around 1982-83 when I worked on 4th S, near Atlantic. A co-worker, (also a West Seattelite) and I decided to walk Home one nice warm day.


    We headed down 4th S, stopped at the Siren Tavern for a beer or two, then headed out again.


    Our next stop was at the Chelan, for another break and beer, where we agreed that she should call her husband and have him pick us up. We really didn’t have that much more to go; just along Spokane, and then up Avalon, and then she lived on Dakota just off 35th. I think the original plan was she would drive me Home to the Junction from there.


    I think the thought of “up Avalon” played a key role in our decision to call her husband. :-)



  • Athena February 5, 2014 (6:32 pm)

    Super grateful for the Water Taxi to and from West Seattle. 2 moms traveled with 4 young boys to and from the parade and it was smooth sailing! The line was long to come home and we were worried, but it moved quickly, everyone was friendly and they were running 2 boats. We are grateful they added extra routes for today. What a great way to get to & from our beautiful West Seattle. I have always been grateful for this mode of transportation, but even more so today. Great experience for the kids!

  • M February 5, 2014 (7:40 pm)

    Took me two hrs to get home from water taxi. Got in line at 5 for 5:15 boat missed TWO boats since they were back down to one boat with 147 capacity. Bad move on King County’s part not having two boats in rush hour.

  • AH February 5, 2014 (8:02 pm)

    Water taxi crew rocked today! Very impressed with their speed and efficiency and ability to keep things fun. I Love West Seattle on days like this!

  • BookGal February 5, 2014 (11:00 pm)

    If you took a transit bus today from West Seattle (or any where else) to Downtown for the Seahawks Championship Celebration Parade, or just to get to work – you know every bus was crammed with passengers and buses were forced to pass many bus stops.

    Today’s public transit commute might become what all bus riders will have to face if funding for King County Metro Transit does not come through… Metro estimates an overall 17% cut in all buses & routes… Which will mean an estimated 27% cut of routes & buses serving West Seattle residents. For example, Route 21 is slated for be discontinued – a route that serves a major arterial of West Seattle, and stops directly at Century Link Field and at Safeco Field. The Rapid C-Line schedule will become much less rapid, always crowded, and less frequent.

    It is my belief that bus service will revert back to the service levels of 25-30 years ago if funding is not found. Standing room only, Waiting an hour for the next bus. No service.

    Certainly, the Seahawks Championship Celebration Day and Parade was an anomaly of a normal morning commute – yet, this could be a reality check for what the future holds for all bus riders.

  • Lola February 6, 2014 (7:00 am)

    Took the boat home today, got in line about 3:00 caught the 3:45, it was an awesome day. I am glad they decided to do the foot ferry all day today, it would have been insane if they had not. More porta potties downtown would have been nice. We even took pictures of signs that people had in the Alley’s that said this is not a bathroom Please do not Pee in the Alleys.

  • Dunno February 6, 2014 (11:34 am)

    Just got home. Walked, it was a little cold, but others did the same thing. Got a little lost but made it in just under 17 hours.

  • Dunno February 6, 2014 (11:53 am)

    Century Link only had about 40,000. wish there had been a way to have it full. Was great to be in there, thanks to my season ticket holder friend!!! Nothing against Murray, but didn’t need to hear from him in that setting. Enjoyed hearing from Allen, Carrol, Wilson and Sherman.
    It would have been cool to get Walter Jones, Hall of Famer, and 12 man flag raiser on the stage and in front of the mic too. I did walk down the parade route, and it was surreal. Should have been early dismissal for all like Franklin High did. It was a once in a lifetime experience as there will never be another Seahawk 1st time win of the Super bowl.

Sorry, comment time is over.