Update: 2 cars through fence across from Chief Sealth IHS

8:53 PM: Emergency crews are handling a crash across SW Thistle from Chief Sealth International High School. Our crew says that’s blocking eastbound Thistle at the scene. The crash originally was dispatched as a “heavy rescue” situation, but many of the crews were subsequently canceled. Our crew says it looks like two cars went up over the sidewalk and through a fence at an apartment complex. A private ambulance is there, which suggests the injuries are not life-threatening. Avoid the area.

9:11 PM UPDATE: In addition to going through the fence, it looks like at least one vehicle hit an apartment, breaking a window, and firefighters are helping clean up the glass inside.

As for how it happened – police were still sorting that out.

16 Replies to "Update: 2 cars through fence across from Chief Sealth IHS"

  • Patrick July 5, 2013 (8:54 pm)

    Not a single car, two car accident both going through fences.

    • WSB July 5, 2013 (8:57 pm)

      Yes, I updated that about 90 seconds after publishing it when the crew called back.

  • Alki Resident July 5, 2013 (9:38 pm)

    Were they racing ?

  • Graham Morgan July 5, 2013 (10:12 pm)

    Last one to the fence is a rotten egg.

    Sensitivity disclaimer: In all seriousness, hope all are okay, regardless of circumstances.

  • John July 5, 2013 (11:03 pm)

    There was at least one loud honk before the accident so they weren’t racing. The accident seemed to go on for several seconds (honk, crash, crash, maybe a 3rd or 4th crash if the cars collided plus the building). Considering two fences were taken out (repainted w/in last month) and the complex was hit all the noise makes sense. I left yardwork after hearing the honk(s)/crashes fearing the worst, but several people were already calling 911 and people were walking around. It could have been much worse, especially as there are a lot of jaywalkers there – racing wasn’t it although surely scary for all who went through it.

  • Moohar July 5, 2013 (11:48 pm)

    This is not the first time a reckless driver has crashed into the Longfellow Run condos. The city needs to do something about speeding cars going down Thistle. It’s gotten much worse now that we’re part of the Delridge detour.

  • LAP July 6, 2013 (10:40 am)

    I have input three on-line requests asking why the single flashing yellow light at 25th(facing both East and Westbound) on a blind hill is now only operational for drivers Westbound. No one from the city ever answered me and the fixture for Eastbound drivers has been removed. This seems strange, since Thistle has been the major re-route/detour during the Delridge resurface project. This light was a valuable warning tool – blind hill, entrance to school’s driveway, etc. Also…frustrating that many people attending school events ignore the No Parking signs. Dangerous blind spot for residents heading Northbound from 25th. BTW…they are townhomes, not apartments – all privately owned and most occupied by the owners.

    • WSB July 6, 2013 (10:42 am)

      LAP – when Monday arrives, call 206-684-ROAD. That’s the city’s hotline for urgent requests (like bad potholes, etc.) and that would seem to apply. Re: townhomes, will make the change. – TR

  • Moohar July 6, 2013 (11:55 am)

    Thanks, Patrick! I have started the application process to initiate a possible traffic calming program on SW Thistle.

  • Jim P. July 6, 2013 (12:14 pm)

    I hope we get an explanation of how it happened, bound to be entertaining.

  • dcn July 6, 2013 (4:13 pm)

    I agree that the traffic on Thistle has been bad since the Delridge paving project detour, but that is ending in a few days as the project moves north. There was also an accident a few days ago at 28th and Thistle (no injuries, but a couple of damaged cars–one had to be towed). Since 28th is the first through street from Holden to Thistle that is close to the Delridge, it’s become a temporary arterial during the Delridge closure for people not wanting to drive all the way up to 35th. The people living on the corner own large motor homes, which make it very hard to see cars coming up Thistle if you are on 28th. I wasn’t surprised when an accident happened there.

    As for the traffic calming project, it looks like it is geared for non-arterial streets, and Thistle is an arterial. It’s worth a shot, though. With the school, the SWAC, and the pool right there, there are a lot of pedestrians crossing Thistle all the time.

  • TeachrerGreg July 6, 2013 (5:25 pm)

    There is always a chance that its more about distracted driving rather than speeding.

  • me on 28th Ave SW July 7, 2013 (3:31 pm)

    Totally agree with dcn. I am never surprised when there is an accident on 28th and Thistle. Those vehicles (all 3 taller than a typical passenger vehicle) on Thistle do not move for months at a time and are owned by the same person, and are very hard to see around. I try to avoid this intersection whenever possible.

  • Anonymous July 7, 2013 (6:12 pm)

    Man it really does suck living off of 25th and Thistle right now though. Whenever I’m heading East on Thistle and getting ready to turn onto 25th I always have to worry about cars flying behind me and hitting me before I make it around the corner..

  • Lymanized July 8, 2013 (12:44 pm)

    Did we ever find out what actually happened?

    Also, does anyone know what the actual speed limit is on Thistle? The only signs available are the 20 when children are present. According to the SDOT site “In Seattle, the speed limit on residential streets is 25 mph and 30 mph on arterial streets unless otherwise posted”.

    I guarantee that the average speed on Thistle is between 35 and 40, with some outliers going 25 and some going at least 50. With the hills and blind turns from driveways and side streets, it can be harrowing to turn onto. Maybe a couple of signs on the street anywhere between Delridge and 35th would help slow stuff down.

Sorry, comment time is over.