Update: Subject of North Delridge police search now in jail

(Photo added 4:23 pm – back side of the golf course, just off 26th)
ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:07 PM: Thanks to those who called/texted about a police search in North Delridge. Here’s what we know so far: Police got a call about “suspicious activity” before 3 pm. The call originated around 26th and Hudson; the search for the person who was the subject of the call – who apparently has a felony warrant out for his arrest – has taken police, including K-9 officers, through the greenbelt, toward the golf course, and along other streets including 23rd SW. The last reported sighting was in the 4900 block of Delridge Way. Police apparently know who he is – he’s described as a white man about 50 years old, 5’4″, 140, shaved head, black hooded sweatshirt, facial hair, sunglasses. If you see someone resembling that description, don’t do anything yourself – call 911.

12:01 AM UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams confirms that the suspect’s now in jail: “Officers tracked him down at an address in the 9700 block of 33rd SW and took him into custody.” (Thanks to the commenter who posted that tip!)

16 Replies to "Update: Subject of North Delridge police search now in jail"

  • ca October 17, 2012 (4:13 pm)

    ugh is delridge shut down then??

  • The Original MB October 17, 2012 (4:18 pm)

    @Ca, all clear when I passed about 10 mins ago. Saw a few cop cars, but they didn’t seem to be in a rush or anything, just sitting on 26th.

    • WSB October 17, 2012 (4:25 pm)

      The most intensive period of the search was winding down when last we talked with police, but some are still out there on the lookout – TR

  • ca October 17, 2012 (4:21 pm)

    great, thanks…(way to get home)

  • The Original MB October 17, 2012 (5:06 pm)

    @WSB, did they happen to elaborate on what the “suspicious activity” was? Mostly curious because my Mom lives on 26th and Hudson…

    • WSB October 17, 2012 (5:23 pm)

      No. The main point seemed to be that however they came across him, he was sought b/c of the felony warrant. That was also mentioned to my co-publisher when he found the police whose cars are in our photograph (after I had procured the early info from the downtown media unit by phone). – TR

  • The Original MB October 17, 2012 (5:26 pm)

    Ahh, thanks!

  • Andrew Edmond October 17, 2012 (5:33 pm)

    I was golfing with my son today, and they had K-9 units in the ravines searching around. I asked if it was safe to be there with my son, and they said “yes, it should be” (we didn’t stay long), and that if I saw someone running that wasn’t a cop to come find them =)

  • Cinder October 17, 2012 (6:17 pm)

    I drove through there at 3;00 Just as the police were showing up. Was wondering what was going on did they find him?

  • kayo October 17, 2012 (6:52 pm)

    That is the alley behind my house. Any idea what the felony warrant was for? I guess it is good we weren’t home and had no idea this was going on until now.

  • ~~HockeyWitch~~ October 17, 2012 (9:41 pm)

    Wasn’t 26th and Hudson where that shooting was a few weeks ago, where they shut down Delridge (red Caddy got shot in the window) or am I thinking of a different intersection?

  • Luke October 17, 2012 (10:19 pm)

    Suspect caught south of Roxbury. He did some serious running. SPD Great job!!

    • WSB October 17, 2012 (10:39 pm)

      Hope my afterhours contact is on so we can verify that.

  • Patrick October 18, 2012 (12:43 am)

    @ HockeyWitch, Yes this is the same area as the shooting 3 weeks ago on 26th and Hudson, this is 3 incidents in 2 months on my street alone ( I live a block south of SW Alaska ) Wonder if this guy is one of the ” trashy neighbors ” a few houses down from me? Any event, glad this guy was arrested and booked into a nice ice cold cell.

  • TheMailLady October 18, 2012 (6:57 am)

    I was wondering what was going on yesterday. I deliver mail, and this is my route. Right around 3pm I started seeing SPD patrolling up and down 26th. I figured if I was in any danger (like when the Racer Cafe killer dumped the stolen SUV off 2 blocks from where I was at the time) theyd clear the area. Between a killer on the loose, a shooting (luckily it was my day off, but my coworker witnessed it), one of my customers pitbulls visciously biting another customer’s face, and the search for this guy it has been a crazy past few months in the area….

  • Crystal October 22, 2012 (1:43 pm)

    In response to this incident and the prior shooting that happend a month ago @26th and Hudson; “Stay out of our neighborhood CRIMINALS!”Keep your crime in your own neck of the woods!Our community has put up with a high volume of crime on our street this summer including a shooting at a children’s bus stop!We will take any cautionary actions NEEDED!!First Ammendment, and Second Ammendment in full force!!!!

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