And more West Seattle wildlife: ‘Octopus’s Junkyard’ off Alki

Octopus’s Junkyard from Laura James on Vimeo.

A sea-life doubleheader tonight! Also just received this from diver/underwater photographer extraordinaire Laura James – not an “Octopus’s Garden,” as the soundtrack goes, but rather, an “Octopus’s Junkyard” off Alki. (Thanks to Laura for continuing to share the submerged sights for us landlubbers!)

26 Replies to "And more West Seattle wildlife: 'Octopus's Junkyard' off Alki"

  • westseattledood November 4, 2011 (10:51 pm)

    Have I mentioned how much I really enjoy these?

    Probably have because they are so great everytime!

    Thank you. I love octupuses.

  • LyndaB November 4, 2011 (10:55 pm)

    Thank you for sharing this, Laura!

    I love how they move. :)

  • neighborhood geek November 4, 2011 (11:00 pm)

    this is fabulous.

  • LatteRose November 4, 2011 (11:04 pm)

    That was awesome!! Thanks!

  • Dave November 4, 2011 (11:40 pm)

    What kind of camera are you using? And lighting? Amazing color and clarity. What depth did you see it at. From the light it looks like less than 60′?

  • sun*e November 4, 2011 (11:46 pm)

    Complete AWESOMENESS! I couldn’t stop smiling…and I so needed that! Thanks Laura! We are so lucky that you share our wonderful underwater world on WSB!

  • islewrite November 5, 2011 (1:47 am)

    Such graceful little buggers! I’ve enjoyed showing these (especially the yawning rockfish) to my 90-year-old father. It’s gotten him interested in the internet again. Shades of my childhood, when he would always be watching TV shows like Exploration Northwest with Don McCune or Wild Kingdom on Sunday nights. Of course it means more because it’s local. Thanks so much, Laura!

  • sSF November 5, 2011 (6:12 am)

    Very awesome thanks for sharing.

  • LL on Alki November 5, 2011 (7:30 am)

    Who knew octopi were so graceful? Thank you so much for sharing.

  • ttt November 5, 2011 (8:37 am)

    My son and I love to watch these so we can see our neighbors of the deep. Thanks!

  • jc November 5, 2011 (9:19 am)

    Wow! Thank you!

  • kate November 5, 2011 (10:20 am)

    Really lovely! What kind of octopus is this? Pacific giant?

  • Gill November 5, 2011 (11:30 am)

    Thanks for sharing! Grew up on the Sound near Oly many years ago and always enjoyed exploring the beach but never saw anything like this. Wow!

  • clark5080 November 5, 2011 (11:50 am)

    I also would like to know what gear you are using

  • heather November 5, 2011 (12:45 pm)

    This is fantastic! These are my favorite animals and the reason that I started diving here. I can’t believe you are able to get such clear video.

  • Trileigh November 5, 2011 (12:45 pm)

    Laura, I just love these videos you’ve been sharing with us! It’s great getting a glimpse of what’s going on below where we can see. Keep it up!

  • DiverLaura November 5, 2011 (1:39 pm)

    lets see if i can answer all the questions :)

    first off, this is a young Giant Pacific Octopus. You can even see it regenerating one of its legs in some of the footage (cool in itself)

    this footage was shot in approximately 25-30′ of water, so ambient light was both very helpful but also made for a bit of a challenge, as it overpowers all but the very brightest video lights for that green ambient tint.

    We’d used underwater scooters to go check out the clay and rock ledges that are out off alki point, but the conditions were not good for diving on them when we got there. lots of turbidity from recent rains and its percolation through the clay in the fault line, combined with strong upwellings and downwellings from the intriguing current patterns caused by the trenches. so we scootered back to the public beach area and came across this little octopus in the last 20 or so minutes of our 73 min dive, and by far the highlight for me :)

    i use a Sony CX500 in a Light & Motion housing Stingray + housing with a Fathom 90 port. For lighting this was shot with dual Halcyon Apollo 24w HID video lights and for improved foreground color without shadowing I have added a third light, the Light & Motion SOLA 600.

    The housing is a few years old, i’ve upgraded it multiple times to take newer and newer cameras (a really nice feature of the Light & Motion housings of that generation). It is a small consumer kit :) The Halcyon lights are easily 8 or 9 years old, the SOLA is the newest piece of kit on the system. I mention this because it is good for folks to know that even without a huge fancy brand new state of the art Pro system, you CAN get nice footage :) Mostly its a matter of having enough light, enough patience, and getting there in the first place :)

    I am so happy that people enjoy the videos!!

  • Sybil November 5, 2011 (2:47 pm)

    Very cool! Thank you for sharing :)

  • joe domini November 5, 2011 (4:46 pm)

    this is what i miss about my old neighborhood. what a terrific video. thanks.

  • Schmoopie November 5, 2011 (5:55 pm)

    Thank you so much for the beautiful video, Laura! Octopi are sooo funny.

  • tricia November 5, 2011 (9:16 pm)

    Thank you so so much. Made a great day better. I can tell how much you love the sea life.

  • Amy November 5, 2011 (9:44 pm)

    Thank you! Just love to watch your videos!

  • verynice November 5, 2011 (10:17 pm)

    I enjoyed every minute! Great awareness for that area. I walk there all the time but since we don’t dive I never know that ‘other’ side of life. Fantastic work!

  • JoanM November 6, 2011 (10:08 am)

    This is wonderful! thanks for sharing. It’s not only fun, but important for people to see what’s living underwater, and maybe think more about protecting our marine resources.

  • Cowpie November 7, 2011 (3:37 pm)

    I had the biggest smile on my face while watching that little guy. THANK you!

  • JaeRaw1133 November 7, 2011 (4:17 pm)

    I love these! A glimpse into a “secret” world I wouldn’t see otherwise. Thanks to you!

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