Helping Haiti earthquake victims: West Seattle fundraisers (UPDATED)

EDITOR’S NOTE: TFN, we will keep this item updated with all West Seattle/White Center fundraising efforts we hear about – you can contact us any of these ways, or leave a comment and we will pull it up into the story – thanks! (LATEST UPDATE: 1/30 MORNING

NEW – CRUTCHES COLLECTED ASAP: For a medical team’s flight to Haiti this weekend. Go here for details.

EDDIE VEDDER SINGLE FUNDRAISER: West Seattle’s most famous rocker is donating proceeds of a cut you can download now for 99 cents – details here.

VALENTINE’S DAY ART SALE: Artist Stephanie Hargrave, co-owner of West Seattle’s smallclothes, is hosting a “Give Your Love to Haiti” art sale with all proceeds to Haiti relief on February 14 at her studio (across from the shop), according to a note Kelly forwarded. More info to come.

ARTIST CHALLENGES OTHERS: West Seattle artist Todd Martin has a challenge (as he donates 65% of his sales) – read it here.

CONCERT AT WEST SEATTLE EAGLES: 8 pm January 30, benefit concert at West Seattle Eagles aerie in The Junction. Bands so far:
Beth Wood
Tacoma Finish
Midnight Idols

WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY: (ongoing) Donate $10/up at checkstands. Thriftway is matching ALL funds donated up to $3,000 benefit The American Red Cross and World Vision.

SOLD HOME DESIGN: Maria Groen of Sold Home DĂ©cor (WSB sponsor), 9003 35th Ave SW, says her shop “is teaming with artist Linda Thorson to donate 10% of all art sales to Lutheran World Relief for the emergency response to efforts in Haiti. This donation opportunity continues through February 7th.” Find out more about LInda’s work at the Sold Home DĂ©cor website.

BRUCE BUTTERFIELD: A challenge to local real-estate agents from local Prudential NW Realty agent Bruce Butterfield, who announced today that he will support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti by donating $100 from each home purchase or sale he completes, now through the end of June 2010, to Doctors Without Borders.

Past fundraisers after this:

PAGLIACCI PROFITS ON THURSDAY 1/28: Pagliacci Pizza is donating its profits from Thursday 1/28 to Red Cross help for Haiti.

strong>HEALING GONG MEDITATION: Tuesday (1/26) in West Seattle, Hummingbird Sound Studio. Full details on this Facebook event listing. RSVP by Sunday night.

ROCK 4 RELIEF: Details here – tickets on sale now – Saturday update – here’s the poster with the latest music lineup:

Direct ticket link is here.

EDIE’S SHOES ON WEDNESDAY: Sara from Edie’s says both their locations (The Junction and Capitol Hill) will donate 20 percent of their shoe sales this Wednesday to the Red Cross‘s Haiti work.

DINE OUT SEATTLE THIS SUNDAY: Dine Out Seattle event in the works for Sunday 1/24, with restaurants so far including La Rustica in West Seattle – plus Skylark Cafe (WSB sponsor) for brunch, Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), Mission, and Spring Hill. (Saturday update, here’s the poster)

HAITI BAKE SALE FUNDRAISER: Tonight (1/22) at Chief Sealth HS during basketball games.

FRIDAY 1/22: 8 Limbs Yoga benefit class this Friday 1/22, 5:45-7 pm, benefiting Doctors Without Borders; details here.

ORIGINAL WEDNESDAY 9:12 PM REPORT: Just out of the WSB inbox, from Michaelle Crovisier – a West Seattle fundraiser, collecting donations during the West Seattle Art Walk Thursday night and washing cars this Saturday:

EARTHQUAKE! It could be us!
GOAL $1000.00 in 5 hours to Haiti via World Vision.

Bring a donation / dirty car / or wear your car wash clothing to:
Keller Williams Seattle Metro West
RAIN or SHINE this Sat 10-3 pm.

All proceeds go to show we care~ You In?
KW – 4452 California Ave SW [map]

Or leave a donation at KW at the ART Walk Thursday night!

Many other organizations are working to help the earthquake victims in Haiti; among them, Northwest-based Mercy Corps (here’s their donation page). The official United States aid effort is being led by USAID; there’s information, as well as “how to help” links, on the USAID website. The latest news on the Haiti quake’s aftermath is here, collected via Google News.

ADDED THURSDAY AFTERNOON: Till we create a separate page, we’re going to use this item to keep adding any West Seattle/White Center related fundraisers. Here are two more:

From West Seattle Thriftway:

West Seattle Thriftway has started a relief fund (will be active in the next hour) for the Victims of this natural disaster and have made it easy for our customers to donate. Folks can come in to Thriftway and Donate $10 and up at any of our checkstands. Also…West Seattle Thriftway will be matching ALL funds donated up to $3,000 benefit The American Red Cross and World Vision.

Also, Full Tilt Ice Cream‘s White Center location will donate all profits this Sunday (January 17) to the Haiti relief effort.

Two churches have efforts planned: From the comments, WSUU has a soup lunch planned after its service this Sunday (details here); from Twitter, West Seattle Christian Church will collect for Haiti the next two Sundays (donations will go to World Vision).


The Seattle Symphony will be collecting donations for the Red Cross Haitian Earthquake Relief fund at its FREE community concert, tomorrow night, Friday, January 15, at 8 p.m., in the Brockey Conference Center, South Seattle Community College. The Orchestra’s performances of Samuel Jones’ Benediction on January 15 and his Elegy on January 19 will be dedicated to the victims of Haiti’s earthquake. These community concerts will take place on Friday, January 15, at 8 p.m., at South Seattle Community College; and Tuesday, January 19, at 7 p.m. at Mercer Middle School. Performances are free and open to the public. Check or cash donations will be accepted at the concerts. Checks should be made out to the “American Red Cross International Response Fund.” Credit card transactions will not be available.

Seating is first come, first served. More information on the program:

Hosted by West Seattle Kiwanis:

ADDED 11:54 AM FRIDAY: Beveridge Place Pub will hold a fundraiser to benefit Doctors Without Borders, Sunday 4-7 pm, per this comment. (added) Dogs for DocsDoctors Without Borders, which is on the ground in Haiti helping already, will be the beneficiary of the event at Beveridge Place Pub, 4-7 pm Sunday – hot dogs, sausages, veggie dogs, silent auction and raffle (official flyer here). They’re still welcoming donations for the silent auction/raffle too – more info in this WSB Forums post.

ADDED 1:07 PM SATURDAY: Also just got word of another West Seattle fundraiser. Maria Groen of Sold Home DĂ©cor (WSB sponsor), 9003 35th Ave SW, says her shop “is teaming with artist Linda Thorson to donate 10% of all art sales to Lutheran World Relief for the emergency response to efforts in Haiti. This donation opportunity continues through February 7th.” Find out more about LInda’s work at the Sold Home DĂ©cor website.

ADDED 4:25 PM SATURDAY: A challenge to local real-estate agents from local agent Bruce Butterfield, who announced today that he will support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti by donating $100 from each home purchase or sale he completes, now through the end of June 2010, to Doctors Without Borders. Here’s the rest of his announcement:

“I chose Doctors Without Borders because they were among the first to treat earthquake survivors in Haiti,” says Butterfield. “And with three million people now cut off from food, water, and sanitation, the health consequences are dire and long-term. I’ll make multiple donations over six months — a small price to pay in order to save thousands of lives. And I challenge all real estate professionals to do the same, or more.”

Doctors Without Borders is working in more than 60 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. The organization responded immediately in Haiti because they were already running projects there when the earthquake struck. Since then, the international organization has sent additional surgical supplies, inflatable surgical suites, and medical personnel to Haiti. An overview of their work is available online at

Butterfield is an associate broker at Prudential Northwest Realty Associates in the West Seattle Office (Jefferson Square). He can be reached at or 206-932-2400.

18 Replies to "Helping Haiti earthquake victims: West Seattle fundraisers (UPDATED)"

  • quake January 13, 2010 (10:14 pm)

    Thanks for this, it is so devastating to see what has happened there. If there are other ways to help – sending clothes, shoes, items, blankets please keep us posted too. The money thing can be hard for some people.

  • Sue January 14, 2010 (6:52 am)

    The West Seattle Unitarian Universalists will also be having a soup lunch on Sunday with proceeds being donated to Haiti. Service is at 10:30, so lunch will be around 11:45 or so, after the service. 4736 40th Avenue SW

  • Brian January 14, 2010 (10:53 am)

    You rock Michaelle! I work for World Vision and can tell you that the reports coming in from the field are pretty devastating. Right now we have about 370 World Vision staff on the ground in Haiti distributing emergency supplies. You can also get updates on our facebook page:

  • Michaelle January 14, 2010 (11:57 am)

    Thanks WS Blog, King 5 news picked up your feed and is coming to do a story! I really need some car washers for this Saturday small and large welcome to help!

    EARTHQUAKE! It could be us! GOAL $1000.00 in 5 hours to Haiti via World Vision. Bring a donation / Dirty car / or your wear your car wash clothing to KW Seattle Metro West RAIN or SHINE this Sat 10-3pm. All proceeds go to show we care~ You In? KW -4452 California Ave SW Seattle WA 98116

  • funkietoo January 14, 2010 (2:00 pm)

    Thanks to everyone that is initiating a fundraiser for our our Haiti Neighbors. I’m on my way to West Seattle Thriftway.

    West Seattle–you make me proud. Our community continually steps up to helping within our local region and beyond our neighbor; city; county; and country.

  • Sue January 14, 2010 (2:35 pm)

    I forgot to mention that the WSUU soup lunch will also feature a bake sale (also benefitting Haiti).

  • Laconique January 14, 2010 (4:06 pm)

    Thanks for posting this, WSB. And for the shoutout to my employer, Mercy Corps!

  • Terri January 14, 2010 (9:20 pm)

    The Seattle Symphony will be collecting donations for the Red Cross Haitian Earthquake Relief fund at its FREE community concert, tomorrow night, Friday, January 15, at 8 p.m., in the Brockey Conference Center, South Seattle Community College. The Orchestra’s performances of Samuel Jones’ Benediction on January 15 and his Elegy on January 19 will be dedicated to the victims of Haiti’s earthquake. These community concerts will take place on Friday, January 15, at 8 p.m., at South Seattle Community College; and Tuesday, January 19, at 7 p.m. at Mercer Middle School. Performances are free and open to the public. Check or cash donations will be accepted at the concerts. Checks should be made out to the “American Red Cross International Response Fund.” Credit card transactions will not be available.

    Seating is first come, first served. More information on the program:

    Hosted by West Seattle Kiwanis:

  • christyinseattle January 15, 2010 (8:47 am)

    Thanks for your efforts in this. I’ve commented on this elsewhere, but it’s important. Capital One credit card holders should contribute to their favorite charity (including Doctors without Borders, Oxfam, Mercy Corps, and the American Red Cross (National)) via Capital One’s No Hassle Giving Site. 100% of charitable donations given here make it to the charities, since Capital One waives all transaction fees. This is good to remember for giving throughout the year.

    Hopefully, other banks will follow suit, at least temporarily.

  • funkietoo January 15, 2010 (11:32 am)

    Just a heads up…The Beveridge Place Pub is holding a fundraiser on Sunday, Jan 17th, from 4 pm – 7 pm, benefitting Doctors Without Borders. More details to follow soon, including a flyer.

  • January 15, 2010 (2:33 pm)

    Really excited for tomorrow’s carwash for Haiti at 4452 Calif Ave SW Sea WA 98116
    10am-3pm Bring $Donations/ Dirty Cars and Helping Hands! Everyone is welcome to help!
    Special thanks to the local teens that have volenteered. I love my WS community!
    See you at 10 am Xo,

  • Steven Paul Matsumoto January 16, 2010 (3:34 pm)

    It is wonderful to see the response to the recent devestation in Haiti and the out pouring of support by our community. Michaelle, it was an honor to be included in the King 5 news cast with you last night and I know your car wash will be a great success. Emerald City Fashion Week will be getting our #Fashion4Haiti T-shirts from STT-Sports on Tuesday. All Net Proceeds will be donated to World Vision’s relief efforts to support children and families in Haiti. The shirts feature the Haitian Creole word for unify, “inifye,” the date of the tragic 7.0 earthquake and the Twitter hash tag #Fashion4Haiti. The shirts will be available at local boutiques in the Greater Seattle area, and online at

    Thank you all for this wonderful testimont to the human character.

  • shirley fowler January 17, 2010 (12:04 am)

    I want to go to Haiti and do what ever I can

  • Wow January 20, 2010 (3:21 pm)

    Local WS filmmaker Jamie Chamberlin has secured the Moore Theater in Seattle for a night of musical entertainment and fundraising on Thursday January 28, and I hear he’s working on a seperate fundraiser at the SODO showbox the same night with lots of local talent! Info on the Moore Theatre is here.

  • WSB January 20, 2010 (3:34 pm)

    Yes, we have reported that before but when we pinged him last night to check on further WS connections, he indicated there would be a WS-specific event forthcoming … maybe that’s the SODO one you’re mentioning. Thanks. – TR

  • Proud of WSE January 22, 2010 (11:18 am)

    West Seattle Elementary kids have been participating in “Change for Haiti”. Our students are bringing their loose change to donate to World Vision for Haiti Relief. In one week we have raised upwards of $100 and the number is rising! Now, I know that does not seem like very much, especially when George Clooney just announced he donated 1,000,000 (and I’m very glad he did!) But let me remind you that many West Seattle Elementary kids have come as refugees themselves and feel the impact of poverty everyday. Knowing this brings tears to my eyes! Our kids give with big hearts—I think many of these little ones understand what the Haitians are experiencing better than any of us ever will.

    • WSB January 22, 2010 (11:35 am)

      Proud, that’s great to hear. Everything helps. If you know anyone at the school who can share a photo, if there’s a donation box or anything else related, we’d love to publish a separate item – TR

  • Rizwan Awan February 4, 2010 (12:12 pm)

    Hi, my name is Rizwan I live in Tacoma and want to collect donations like: clothing, medical supplies, blankets etc.. And I was wondering if there is a drop of place anywhere in the Seattle- Tacoma area. Please call 206 334 8540

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