More West Seattle restaurant news: New ownership for Alki Cafe

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Thanks to the anonymous e-mailer who tipped us to this last night; we confirmed it in person this afternoon: Alki Cafe‘s longtime owners Carol and Steve Roaldson have sold the restaurant. It’s now owned by John Bang, who was there today, greeting customers, too busy to talk in detail at the time but promising to share more information about his plans shortly.

10 Replies to "More West Seattle restaurant news: New ownership for Alki Cafe"

  • AlkiRagdoll April 17, 2009 (3:45 pm)

    I am not sure whether or not to applaud. I like Alki Cafe — However I hate that the close for dinner in the fall/winter. Hope the new owner keeps their excellent menu but is open more.

  • Loree April 17, 2009 (4:18 pm)

    Here’s hoping they don’t start tinkering with the menu. We take everybody we know to Alki for brunch, and I would be very sad if the crab cake benedict were to disappear. Although reopening for dinner would be great — the boyfriend really misses their pot roast.

  • Hollyplace April 17, 2009 (5:02 pm)

    Yay for the employees! Menu was good, but they were terrible to work for.

  • cmc April 17, 2009 (5:13 pm)

    Maybe the prices will go down slightly?? What are the chances of that? Breakfast is expensive for the ambience.

  • Amy April 17, 2009 (6:48 pm)

    Another vote for fabulous food but not so well run. The waitstaff clearly did what they could, but they always seemed WAY understaffed and the owners never helped do anything but greet, that I could see, which I think is a mistake. We went there regularly until we finally got tired of the attitude.

    I’ll be interested to give them another shot now with new ownership.

  • Snow Comments April 17, 2009 (8:20 pm)

    Please don’t get rid of the gingerbread pancakes! And, please stay open for dinner year round.

  • jk April 18, 2009 (1:17 pm)

    When we first moved here ab. 14 years ago they had smoked salmon corn cakes, which were one of the most amazing breakfast meals that I have had anywhere. I couldn’t believe it when they disappeared from the menu. I would go there in a flash if salmon corn cakes returned.

  • OP April 18, 2009 (7:14 pm)

    All we hope is that the food doesn’t change! Outside of Salty’s, ABC is WS best breakfast place…. :-)

  • mom3westseattle April 18, 2009 (9:23 pm)

    needs a make-over 100%- there is nothing on that menu or in that space that is appealing anymore – old and dingy is what comes to mind – and often CLOSED – bring some life back to that corner!

  • Tea68 April 24, 2009 (8:38 pm)

    When I first moved here in May ’96, the Alki Cafe was wonderful and I was a regular. I think at that time it was owned by the same people who own the Alki Bakery. A few years later, it was sold and went steadily down hill.

    The food is still pretty good but not nearly as good as it used to be. The owner let the building decline, and it started to look drab and dreary inside, with lots of weeds growing outside. The saddest thing was the fact that it closed in the evenings. I loved going there on winter evenings for a clam chowder and a beer.

    I really hope the new owner re-juvenates it. We don’t need a new restaurant, we just need the old Alki Cafe back! (and please keep the GINGER PANCAKES!)

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