LOST CAT: Seen Sam? – May 4, 2023 9:36 pm

My husband feels terrible about this, but he was helping gather things for a friend who has become ill, and he thought he had shut a door, but her cat, a medium sized male orange , ginger, tabby cat, who answers to the name Sam, got out! He would’ve ventured out to the west side alley at Spokane Street and California Ave. SW. anybody who sees him, if you can draw him inside, and email me at jenniferhall319@gmail.com, that would be awesome. Thanks! I’m attaching a stock photo of a ginger tabby who looks like Sam.

2 Replies to "LOST CAT: Seen Sam?"

  • Rosemary May 28, 2023 (8:26 pm)

    Black lab about 4-7 years, female, brown leather collar, no tag, found at 3th Ave sw and willow st around 8:20pm, Sunday 5/28th.

    • WSB May 28, 2023 (8:40 pm)

      Hi, posting this info on an old comment won’t be seen by anyone – please email us info and photo, westseattleblog@gmail.com, and include your contact info

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