West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
We appreciate the growing number of folks who e-mail us with info about upcoming events as well as news tips, photos, sightings, questions. Two such e-mails in the past week or so are about summer events for which you can register now:
-Team sign-up is under way for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at WS Stadium June 22-23. If your life has been touched by cancer (whose hasn’t? each member of the WSB team lost a parent to Big C), consider participating or at least donating. Lots of info here.
-With just two more months left in the school year, it’s time for parents to plan kids’ summer activities, often a crazyquilt of day camps, babysitters, etc. Here’s a day-camp week right here in WS: Camp Fire is sponsoring a weeklong day camp at Lincoln Park, July 30-Aug. 3. More here about the activities; go here to register.
We shared the first tip last week about the Groucho Marxes visible from the south side of the west end of the high bridge. Now, finally photos — these were linked from a new comment on the original item; the one below was e-mailed to us by Nick Peters:
For those of you keeping track (or maybe it’s just us) — yet another music star turns out to be right here on our side of the bay: Eric Judy from Modest Mouse, as mentioned in this Times article previewing the band’s Sunday night concert.
As noted and spiritedly discussed here 2 weeks ago, the driver who hit and killed City Council staffer Tatsuo Nakata at 47th/Admiral last November won’t face felony charges, but there’s a new development – the city has decided to charge him with misdemeanor assault.
We actually consider 13 a lucky number, so this is bound to be a great weekend. Garden plants for sale, free family fun courtesy of the WS YMCA, tons of tunes, and surprises as always — one click away:
Vente Caffeinato took the Alki Point (and beyond) aerial view we recently linked to and overlaid it with coffeehouse locations, mostly in WS.
Charleston, S.C., superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson will take the top spot here. It’s on all the newspaper sites but the most interesting coverage is liveblogging of the meeting, announcement, and ensuing questions on the unofficial SPS/Save Seattle Schools blog.
Our usual info-source for the Art Walk, the folks at Divina, are sitting this one out, but we finally found the lineup for tonight. 6-8 pm, in The Junction, be there.
The Design Review Board is back in WS tonight, looking first (6:30 pm, SW Precinct) at the project at 4515 41st SW (east edge of The Junction) that drew neighbors’ concern last fall because of a “park ‘n’ ride garage” type component. (Second on the DRB double bill, 14 townhouses on two parcels along 18th SW between Henderson and Barton.)
First, we were called “crazy” (to our incognito face!). Now, “quirky.” (What’s next, “zany”?)
On recent walks through The Junction and along stretches of WS waterfront parkland, we’ve noticed an increase in one of the newer variations of tagging vandalism — sticker tagging. Somewhat satisfyingly, you can take direct action against this if you so choose, unlike painted tagging (unless you happen to routinely carry paint remover with you at all times). We did just that with most of the stickers we passed; peel, crumple, toss.
Wandering through the Admiral District this morning, we spotted West Seattle’s Only Moviehouse in the process of getting a paint job (note the primer above the marquee):
… no, not Bon Marche (does that old jingle still ring in your head? does in ours) but rather, Thriftway. Our curiosity was piqued by a checkstand sign at Morgan Junction Thriftway saying “13-Hour Sale” this Friday (the 13th, of course), 8 am-9 pm. The checker told us to check the forthcoming flyer; it’s online now, with the “13-Hour Sale” items on the last three pages. Nothing looks really outrageously deal-riffic to us, except maybe the 88-cent bread, but judge for yourself.
Lest anyone think we only mention Christian churches here at WSB … let’s meander over to the other side of the faith field. You might not know WS has a thriving Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. It’s not in its own building, but it’s apparently grown plenty since we dropped in on a then-living-room-size gathering loooooong ago (triple-digit attendance these days). And in a week and a half, on 4/21, its members are throwing a bash to which they’re inviting the entire community: a Hungarian Gala, with a Hungarian feast plus entertainment by the Kisbetyarok Hungarian Family Dancers. If you’re interested, call 932-2731 as soon as you can to ask about tickets (they hope to get something of a headcount ahead of time); proceeds, by the way, go to the village of Torockoszentgyorgy in Transylvania, Romania.
Tonight the state House passed the domestic-partnership bill, with a fair amount of WS legislator involvement — Sen. Erik Poulsen co-sponsored the Senate version, Rep. Joe McDermott co-sponsored the House version (and invoked Alki Point during debate).
Results from last weekend’s “street-level survey” in the Admiral District are already available online.
Neighborhood discontent is brewing on the west end of Alki over a proposal for more cell-phone antennas at the west end of Admiral Way. Details have been posted in the past 24 hours at Beach Drive Blog and on the Alki Beach Community group @ Yahoo, with plans for concerned neighbors to meet this Sunday. According to the property history on the city site (which includes information on this permit application), this has been an antenna site for at least a dozen years. UPDATE: Here’s a photo of the apartment building where the additional antennas are proposed for the roof. If you look hard you can see several of the existing ones (“screened” as they are).
Until this article today on the stinky seaweed phenomenon that has frequently plagued Fauntleroy for years, and apparently now is spreading, we didn’t know the seaweed in question was called “sea lettuce.” One thing to take away from the story: the valuable reminder that runoff from everything we do eventually finds our way into the Sound. Just one valuable step you could take: don’t use fertilizer on your lawn or in your garden; enrich your soil (Cedar Grove compost from recycled yard waste is our fave) instead.
Fun stuff happening midweek on our side of the bay, so here’s an advance alert:
-For family fun: High Point Community Center sponsors Springfest tomorrow.
-Two big entertainment events in The Junction on Wednesday night: “On the Verge” opens @ ArtsWest; Jonatha Brooke performs live-in-store @ Easy Street.
Just a semi-amusing P.S. on our recycling post below, inspired by the city’s promise that a new recycling study would be available for perusal. First word came in a council press release mentioning the study would be published last Friday and available at the Seattle Public Utilities site. Now, there’s a new press release from the mayor, saying the study was to be published today and available at the SPU site. Tonight — STILL not there. Guess they technically have till midnight to fulfill the promise, though we’re not recycling holding our breath.
Though a “for sale” sign is still up in front of the ex-Gatewood Baptist Church south of Morgan Junction, it’s been sold, and its new owners have their own big sign up on the Cali-facing side of the building: Seattle International Church. According to the church’s website, it’s moving here from Belltown. The site doesn’t say much about the church’s philosophy or any denominational affiliation; the church got a couple paragraphs in a Belltown Messenger roundup of neighborhood churches last year, and there’s a bit of biographical info about half its husband-wife pastor team, Dr. Ray Hampton, at this online-shopping page for a book he wrote.
If you’re not a parent or school worker, it might not be on your radar, so a friendly reminder, Seattle public schools (and most if not all private schools in the city) are out all week for spring break.
As a city, we’re still not recycling enough, or so suggests a press release previewing a council briefing this week on a new study about how to move closer to “zero waste.” (Says the study itself would be posted on the Seattle Public Utilities site this past Friday; as of right now, it’s nowhere in sight.) Got us thinking about how recycling works, and doesn’t work. Do you recycle everything you possibly can? If not, why not? Here at WSB HQ, we consider ourselves pretty good recyclers, nowhere near perfect. Probably our biggest sin of omission: We don’t recycle food waste, even though we know we can just collect it and put it in the yard-waste bin for composting. Highest on our wish list for making other recycling easier: Collect it weekly. We usually exceed bin capacity (just found out you can get a second bin; we’ve been wasting big paper bags all these years! still, weekly pickup would be nicer). #2 on the wish list — some way to recycle more plastic bags, not just the grocery type. #3 — straighten out the electronics-recycling situation. Trying to wade through this list (the only option we know of) is daunting enough to make even a hardcore recycling devotee just throw old phones, computers, etc. in the basement till someone works it out someday. Oh well, excuse us now, time to drag the bin to the curb …
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