Disaster Preparedness Month, night 11: Got pets? Get ’em ready

thecats.jpgIf disaster hits and you have to get out in a hurry, you’re going to gather your loved ones. And “loved ones” means pets too. So on this 11th night of our Disaster Preparedness Month reports, we look at what you need to know to protect them too. The city has a flyer you can check out here; among the first tips is one we hadn’t heard before:

During an earthquake: If the ground starts shaking, do not try to hold onto your pet during the shaking. Animals will instinctively protect themselves and hide where they are safe.

From the must-bookmark West Seattle Be Prepared site, there’s a list of pet-related links on this page. One of those links takes you to this page from the Seattle Humane Society, which reminds you to put a sticker on your home to let rescuers know about any pets that normally are inside. (Also from that page, we learned that the Humane Society’s big yellow MaxMobile, best known for bringing adoptable pets to mobile adopt-a-thons around the city, is also used for pet rescue/evacuation situations!) And three more tips provided by West Seattle Be Prepared co-webmaster Karen Berge:

For dogs, general obedience classes before a disaster could be very helpful. A dog with some training will (or should) be looking for direction from the “leader of the pack”, especially in unfamiliar situation. Some basic commands will help with keeping pets calm.

· An animal that is hurt or scared may bite or lash out, even at loved ones; so it’s helpful to include a muzzle or some soft cloth strips that can be used to prevent bites/scratches. Dogs & cats that typically get along, may need to be separated from each other if they are really stressed out.

· People that keep aquariums probably know this already, but they should look for alternative ways to keep their tank temperatures from dropping below safe levels during a lengthy power outage. One tip is that hot water tanks retain heat for quite awhile & they can be a source of warm water. It’s also helpful to immediately take steps to prevent heat loss.

Your editor here can speak to the last point from personal experience – after the December 2006 windstorm, our home was out of power for 4 days, and that claimed the life of a large, cherished fish (similar to the one at left) who had outlasted many tankmates. (We wrote about the loss here.) So whether you have fish, dogs, cats, turtles, whatever – don’t make the mistake we did; be prepared.

Our nightly reminders: Joined the West Seattle Be Prepared group on Facebook yet? Got your nearest Emergency Communication Hub memorized yet? Taken the city’s 3 to Get Ready Challenge (WSB sponsor) yet?

More from HONK Fest in West Seattle: Dancing (etc.) in the streets

(Our first, as-it-happened HONK Fest West report can be seen here)

That photo shared by Eileen captures the brassy boisterousness of HONK Fest West, making its first West Seattle appearance, with bands spread along two blocks of The Junction in a five-hour-plus period this afternoon. So does this clip, in which we follow the Hubbub Club as its musicians “march” (more like danced, bounced, strode) their way from the designated performance area by the Junction Wells Fargo, to the SW Alaska sidewalk, then back:

And a serious dose of dancing-in-the-streets ensued in the raised crosswalk between Oregon and Alaska – where we found the Carnival Band during our 2nd HONK Fest visit, at midafternoon:

If you didn’t get a close-enough look at the Hubbub Club’s grinning tuba in our clip, Luckie‘s photo captures it for posterity:

And even the little ones were entranced by the splendor of the costumes as well as the music – witness Holli‘s photo of the Minor Mishap Marching Band (visiting from Austin, Texas):

So will this lovably loony street festival return next year? We’ve got the question out to organizers, though they may well be getting ready to recover after 3 days around town (Fremont on Friday, Georgetown on Saturday, then West Seattle today, plus a few bands’ performances in venues elsewhere tonight). Meantime, here’s the official festival website; here’s its Facebook page; and here’s a site where they’re encouraging people to upload photos. The whole thing runs on volunteer power and donations, as carts like this one reminded festivalgoers in The Junction today:

If you didn’t have any cash to throw in the kitty while you were enjoying the show(s), you can make an online donation here. P.S. Added Monday, one last shot from Colby – seems there wasn’t just dancing in the streets, there was a little bit of lying around in the streets too:

West Seattle school news: Student musicians’ parade-a-thon

April 11, 2010 10:25 pm
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Courtesy of Denny International Middle School, that photo shows its band in Pierce County on Saturday – one of four parades, according to principal Jeff Clark, in which they participated, in the span of one day! The day began with the 77th annual Tacoma Grand Floral Parade at 10:15 am, the Puyallup Daffodil Parade at 12:45 pm, the Sumner Daffodil Parade at 2:30 pm, and the Orting Daffodil Parade at 5 pm. (You can see more than a dozen additional photos in a gallery on the Denny Music website.) Denny’s music director Marcus Pimpleton points out that the Chief Sealth International High School marching band, which he also directs, was in the parades too, “separated by a float” from the Denny band. ADDED MONDAY: A photo of the Sealth band in action Saturday:

Poland tragedy: Condolences from West Seattleites

Thanks to West Seattle photographer Gail Ann Wodzin for sharing these pictures and the story behind them, as West Seattleites, and others in our area, reach out to Poland in the wake of the plane crash in Russia that killed President Lech Kaczynski and more than 90 others. Above, Seattle Gdynia Sister City Association treasurer Harriet Wodzin of West Seattle signs letters of condolences to the people of Poland; next, Ron Golubiec of West Seattle talks with a TV-news crew about the tragic loss of the president:

Gail Ann adds:

In Solidarity, members of the Seattle Gdynia Sister City Association gathered to mourn the loss of Poland’s President Kacynski and many other high-ranking officials when their plane crashed a few days ago in Snmolensk.

Members recalled the fight for Solidarity, of which several were part of; and to remember the lost souls of Katyn; and to grieve the loss of friends made in Poland over many years of friendship with the people of Poland.

The struggle for freedom and democracy in Poland is an evolving process and we honor those who continue to move forward.

She tells more of the story of today’s gathering, with a link to additional photos, on her website.

West Seattle weekend scene: Delridge Produce Cooperative, year 2

April 11, 2010 6:58 pm
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It’s been more than a year since the first story we brought you about the Delridge Produce Cooperative – then, several months later, came the Mobile Market experiment – and now, DPC is planting the seeds for Year 2 of their work to help bring more fresh fruit and vegetables to Delridge. The latest step toward their goal: Borscht and Bagels, a lunch gathering/strategy session this afternoon at Southwest Youth and Family Services.

That’s DPC’s Ranette Iding, leading a presentation when we dropped by, midway through the event. Want to pitch in? DPC is on the web and on Facebook.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Wood thieves/vandals hit Slices on Alki

Take a close look at the fence in front of Slices on Alki – on the left side of the photo, it’s newer than on the right. That’s because the left side is a newly installed replacement for what vandals/thieves tore down and took on Friday night. We heard about it when one of Slices’ proprietors posted in the WSB Forums to ask if anyone saw it happen or knows who did it; he speculated the stolen fencing might have been used for beach firewood. He says the thief/vandals took one of their wood tables, too. Slices just marked its first anniversary a week ago.

Lafayette Elementary students’ busy week, glider to Water Taxi

Things were really jumping during the West Seattle new-season celebration for the King County Water Taxi (WSB sponsor) this afternoon (see our first report here), especially when the Lafayette Elementary Popcorns jump-rope team showed their stuff. That marked the conclusion of a busy week for the school, with two other Lafayette news that came our way – starting with this photo and summary from principal Virginia Turner:

On Tuesday, Bruce Bulloch, Mark Nyberg, and Heinz Gehlhaar of Evergreen Soaring came to Lafayette Elementary to talk with the students of Mr. Schroeder’s fourth grade class about flight. Evergreen Soaring brought an Apis 13 meter glider so students could get hands-on experience with the controls and construction of real glider. Students also learned about the science of flight and the forces that influence a glider plane. This was one of the culminating activities for their unit of flight, where they learned not only the history of flight, but also the science of why and how planes fly.

And related to another recent study unit – Lafayette parent Luckie shared a scene from “American Civil War Family Night” earlier this week:

Luckie explains:

The fifth graders in all three fifth-grade classes put together displays and presentations on their choice of Civil War topic. We had posters, dioramas, Powerpoint presentations, and models. Lots of parents and kids gathered to view the students’ work and learn about Civil War history. (The cake is a “taste of history”—it’s made from a historic recipe used by Mary Todd Lincoln, and it was one of President Lincoln’s favorites)

What’s going on at YOUR school? Share it any time.

Happening now: HONK Fest West fills The Junction with music

The party has started – and it’s a raucous one! Starting at the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard and heading southward, HONK Fest West is bringing more than five hours of marching-band style music to venues around The Junction – free! – starting with Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band from Boston (seen and heard in our iPhone clip above). Schedule and maps here. ADDED 4:41 PM: We just took another spin, north to south, along California and caught up with several bands. We’ll break most of the video into a separate story later – including our short march alongside one of the bands – but in case you still haven’t made it down (some accounts say there’ll be music till 6) – here’s the exuberance of the Hungry Marching Band on the north side of the Walk-All-Ways intersection, in front of Cupcake Royale (WSB sponsor):

West Seattle’s Water Taxi party: Sun-splashed celebration

We’re at Seacrest, where the King County Water Taxi’s West Seattle celebration already has begun, even though it technically wasn’t set to start till noon. King County Councilmember Jan Drago arrived on the Water Taxi about 10 minutes ago with the King County Ferry District’s new executive director Hank Myers; a program with speeches and performances is set to begin in about half an hour; and free rides and snacks are already being enjoyed (big crowd waiting to get on the run that leaves in a few minutes).

White chocolate mousse cake free while it lasts, along with coffee, and performances coming up including rope-jumpers and singers from Lafayette Elementary! ADDED 12:33 PM: King County Executive Dow Constantine, longtime Water Taxi champion, is on hand too – seen here in our cameraphone pic with his team’s transportation expert Chris Arkills:

ADDED 10 PM: Here’s the exuberant start to Constantine’s speech at the event:

Since the end of the last Water Taxi season, the county-run foot ferries briefly came under political attack, when supporters of Constantine’s opponent in the KC Executive race decried the service as “ferries going nowhere.” Then budget challenges raised some questions about its future, but county leaders ultimately decided to keep the West Seattle and Vashon services running, while deferring consideration of other potential routes. What remains in question now is whether the money will be found to make it the year-round service that it could be now that its West Seattle dock has been upgraded, with the $3 million project completed in the offseason; that has yet to be worked out, but we’ll be following the process. Meantime, you can find Water Taxi info including schedule and fares by going here.

Happening now: Dog makeovers, bake sale to fight breast cancer

Kelly from Muttley Crew Cuts just sent that photo from their fundraising event on behalf of the “Trippin’ Ta-Tas” Breast Cancer 3Day team: Bake sale and dog makeovers till 4 pm today. It’s happening at her shop, which moved a few months ago to 42nd just north of Admiral (map). Silent auction, too – check out some of the gift baskets:

West Seattle Crime Watch: Wheel-stealers; burglar scared off

Two Crime Watch reports this time. First one has to do with that car – second with a burglary victim who fought back – read on for both:Read More

West Seattle Sunday: Water Taxi, Honk Fest, Jade West, more…

April 11, 2010 6:03 am
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(Photo courtesy David Rosen, taken last Monday afternoon)

WATER TAXI PARTY: On the first Sunday after its new season began, with a new vessel among other changes, the West Seattle-to-downtown run of the King County Water Taxi (WSB sponsor) throws a party today. Free rides all day, and a special celebration at Seacrest noon-2 pm, including performances by jump-ropers and singers from Lafayette Elementary.

HONK FEST WEST: There’s bound to be dancing in the streets as this raucous live-band event comes to West Seattle for the first time – for free! Venues line The Junction, noon-6 pm; map links and band schedules are here.

JADE WEST CAFE FAMILY BENEFIT: It’s in Wallingford but we know at least one big West Seattle delegation will be there to show support for Wah Wong and son Jason, badly hurt when a drunk driver hit them four months ago: 3-course Italian lunch, silent auction and live music, noon-4 pm at at Perché No Pasta and Vino, 1319 North 49th (map). Here’s our earlier preview.

DOG MAKEOVERS FOR THE CURE: It’s a fundraiser for a local Breast Cancer 3-Day team, and it’s happening 9 am-4 pm at Muttley Crew Cuts – a bake sale as well as dog makeovers! – more details in the WSB Forums.

DELRIDGE PRODUCE COOPERATIVE’S “BORSCHT & BAGELS”: 2:30-4:30 pm at Southwest Youth and Family Services, join DPC for a light lunch and strategy session to plot the next steps in bringing Delridge more fresh fruit and vegetables. Here’s the Facebook event invite.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS MARKET: Asparagus is among the new arrivals as the market holds its regular 10 am-2 pm weekly session at 44th/Alaska. Here’s the Ripe ‘n’ Ready fresh list.

And more on the West Seattle Weekend Lineup!

Disaster Preparedness Month, night 10: Communications Academy

April 10, 2010 11:56 pm
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Photo and story by Cindi Barker, local preparedness volunteer/organizer

The WSB Disaster Preparedness Month series so far has been focused on highlighting things you can do to prepare yourself for an emergency, and what our community has been doing as well. But today and tomorrow, there is an event held here in West Seattle that serves as a reminder of the many volunteers and broader organizations that are part of emergency preparedness.

The multi-state Communications Academy is being held this weekend at South Seattle Community College. These volunteer HAM radio operators spend their weekend acquiring new skills and better preparing themselves to respond in a disaster. This skill is seeing a resurgence of interest; in the past year, more than 640 new HAMs were licensed in Western Washington, including a good number of youth.

If you (or your teenager) have an interest in HAM radio here are a couple of ways to get involved:

*The national organization supporting HAM radio is ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League): www.arrl.org

*Locally, the most active service branch is the Auxiliary Communication Service (ACS), part of a larger grouping called ARES/RACES. This group provides HAM radio support in the Seattle Emergency Operations Center; information at seattleacs.com

*HAMs also support the Western Washington Medical Services group, www.ww7mst.org

Even more locally, there’s been talk of revitalizing the West Seattle HAM Radio Club; we’ll report more when that happens.

Editor’s note: Thanks to Cindi for the report! Our nightly reminders: Join the West Seattle Be Prepared group on Facebook if you haven’t already; browse the West Seattle Be Prepared website make sure everyone in your family knows about your nearest Emergency Communication Hub; and take the city’s 3 to Get Ready Challenge (WSB sponsor) – 3 preparedness steps, to share with 3 people (with prizes!).

HONK Fest West on Sunday in West Seattle – here’s the map

View HONK! Fest West Seattle in a larger map

Noon-5 pm tomorrow, HONK Fest West brings music and merriment to The Junction, and the organizer-created map above shows the venues and times (click each marker to see where, who and when). It’s a free marching-band celebration, which has been in other Seattle neighborhoods the past two days/nights – Fremont and Georgetown. Here’s a “live report” from Harmonic Dissidents Magazine. If you’re not planning to go for the music, do note that California SW is scheduled to be closed between Alaska and Oregon (although as you’ll see on the map, there are performances outside those boundaries too). There’s a map in another format on the HONK Fest West site (as well as the schedule) – see it here.

West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network’s milestone meeting

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
For the first time since its formation (largely via Facebook group), members of the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network met face-to-face this morning. While they all either lead a Block Watch group or are interested in doing so, the new network isn’t part of the official process – it’s born of the fact (as discussed in the WSB Forums a few months ago) that there’s no formal blockwatch-to-blockwatch communications system. (Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Benjamin Kinlow, the area’s point person for Block Watch formation, keeps a list, but that list can’t be shared with members.) Co-organizer Deb Greer shared detailed notes of what they discussed today and what “next steps” they’re planning on – read on:Read More

Next Saturday: Be part of Duwamish Alive! for Earth Day

April 10, 2010 5:23 pm
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(WSB photo from April 2009)
More than half a dozen sites in West Seattle are part of the annual Duwamish Alive! Earth Day work parties next Saturdays – cleanup, restoration, invasive-plant removal, myriad tasks to help our greenspaces and waterways (including the Duwamish itself). Many of them, we’re told, still need more volunteers to sign up – so please set aside some time; it won’t even take the whole day – just 10 am-2 pm so that you can check out the Earth Day Festival 2-4 pm at Pathfinder K-8, adjacent to one of the sites (Pigeon Point Park, also the scene of the 2009 photo shown above). Here’s the list of sites and info on who to contact to sign up.

Happening now: Animal advocates’ fundraiser at Rocksport

Another way to have a great time for a good cause is under way right now at Rocksport in The Junction – Friends of the Animals Foundation and Feral Cat Assistance and Trapping are teaming for “Let’s Fix the Problem Together,” a silent auction/raffle event – with chair massages and psychic readings also offered for donation. They’re raising money for pet population control and health care. No cover charge – food and drink are no-host; the event continues till 5.

Happening now: “Adoption Option” cats and dogs at Pet Elements

(Photos by Christopher Boffoli)
Got room in your home and heart for somebody new? Cats and dogs looking for “forever homes” are at Pet Elements until 3 pm, with Furry Faces Foundation (whose Teri Ensley is holding Frosty Mogul, one of their candidates, above) and Animals First Foundation, which brought dogs including 2-year-old Mauser:

His people just gave him up for adoption yesterday, because of family health problems. If you want to go see who’s still in search of that aforementioned “forever home,” Pet Elements is at 6701 California.

Happening now: West Seattle High School Grad Night car wash

April 10, 2010 1:14 pm
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(Photo by Christopher Boffoli)
There’s still time to get to West Seattle High School for the Grad Night Fundraiser Car Wash, which is scheduled to continue till 2 pm. As you can see, volunteers of all ages are pitching in to help raise money for the safe, fun celebration that’s become a tradition. Just drive into the school parking lot (3000 California SW, across from PCC [WSB sponsor]). They’ve also got donated coffee from the Triangle Starbucks, latté coupons from Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), and raffle items. (And a few other Grad Night fundraisers are listed in the WSB Events calendar.)

Happening now: West Seattle Nursery open house, & tool donations

Gene and Patrick from Sustainable West Seattle are showing off two of the tools donated already for the West Seattle Tool Library , part of what’s happening during West Seattle Nursery‘s 27th annual open house (donate a tool, get a 20% off WSN coupon!), which continues till 3 pm. The open house features special, free speakers too – at 1 pm, it’s about urban chicken-raising; at 2 pm, orchids. Full details on the West Seattle Nursery website; WSN is on the northwest corner of California/Brandon (map). ADDED 1:49 PM: The chicken-raising talk got some extra promotional oomph courtesy of Elliott (in the chicken suit) and friend Charlie:

What can West Seattle youth do this summer? Get ideas now!

April 10, 2010 11:06 am
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(Photo added 12:19 pm – Sheryl and Donna at the Youth Activities Fair, on behalf of creek stewardship)
First – go check out the Summer Youth Activities Fair happening right now, continuing till 2 pm today at High Point Community Center (map) – tons of info and ideas to make this a lively summer for West Seattle kids and teens. And here’s another idea:

The group shown in that photo we published during last year’s West Seattle Summer Fest was Delridge Community Center‘s class of “Digital Darkroom” interns. They worked on multimedia projects, and you saw some of their work here on WSB. Seattle Parks and the Associated Recreation Council are now recruiting interns for this year’s “RecTech” program, which includes Digital Darkroom as well as different programs at sites in South Park and the Central District – read on for the official announcement:Read More

High-school baseball: Results from Friday

April 10, 2010 10:33 am
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First, from West Seattle High School assistant baseball coach Scott Meaker, who is providing WSHS baseball recaps (THANK YOU!):

Friday The West Seattle High School Varsity Baseball team made up for their loss to Nathan Hale on Wednesday. The Wildcats won the Metro League game at Hale’s Meadowbrook Field by a score of 15-4. Young and experienced alike had a great day at the plate starting with freshman LaTrey Newsome (3-for-4 scoring 3 runs), sophmores Jeff Watkins (3-for-3) and Tim Tinkler (3-for-4), and seniors Kellen Gearon (2-for-3, 2 runs scored), Stephan Adams (2-for-3, 2 HRs), Trevor Martin (2-for-3, 2 HRs) and Ryan Wiggins (3-for-4, 2 HRs). Senior Ryan Wenli got the win, running his record to 2-0. Next week the Indians-now-Wildcats face a tough schedule traveling to O’Dea Monday and hosting Eastside Catholic on Wednesday.

Second, from our citywide-news partners at the Seattle Times, another Friday game: It was Ingraham 7, Chief Sealth 5 (follow that link for game stats).

The JV team lost a tough battle to Hale 8-6 at Hiawatha. The JV hosts O’Dea on
Monday at Hiawatha. All games are at 3:30.

West Seattle Saturday: A day to give and get – and, to fight crime

From the West Seattle Weekend Lineup:

GIVE: Donate tools to the new West Seattle Tool Library during West Seattle Nursery‘s open house, 11 am-3 pm … Bring nonperishable food donations to Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) 9 am-4 pm and look for West Seattle Food Bank volunteers and board members … Can you donate blood? A mobile drive from Puget Sound Blood Centers is at West Side Presbyterian Church 9 am-3 pm today (closed 11-noon) … Help West Seattle High School Grad Night by getting your car washed (weather looks good!) 10 am-2 pm … Offer a “forever home” to a cat or dog at the “Adoption Option,” 11 am-3 pm at Pet Elements … Help raise money for cat population control and health care at “Let’s Fix the Problem Together2-5 pm at Rocksport … more here.

GET: Get plants at the West Seattle Lions‘ annual sale, Senior Center of West Seattle, 9 am to 3 pm … Ready to shop for running wear, gear and accessories? West Seattle Runner‘s official grand opening is today, 10 am-7 pm (here’s our preview from two nights ago) … Get tickets to Twelfth Night Productions‘ (WSB sponsor) “The Miss Firecracker Contest,” 7:30 tonight at Youngstown Arts Center … Get moving with the Second Saturday dance at Hiawatha Community Center tonight … more here.

FIGHT CRIME: Lead your Block Watch, or working to make one happen? Don’t miss the inaugural meeting of the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network, 10 am at Giannoni’s Pizza in Westwood Village. Here’s the Facebook invite.

And those are just SOME of the highlights!